Posts Tagged ‘BANK’
Pocahontas County Commission Gives Its Blessing On Arts Center Project In Green Bank
Now the Pocahontas County Arts Center must convince the USDA Rural Development office to fund the new home for the arts
Read MorePendleton Community Bank Buys Two Citizens National Branches
Management from both banks view this as a positive step that will benefit not only the banks, but the customers as well
Read MoreGreenbank Elementary/Middle School is Overcrowded
Greenbank Principal Ruth Bland asks the Pocahontas County Board of Education for another half time teacher
Read MoreNational Science Foundation considers changes at NRAO
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory at Green Bank turns 50 years old this year. In fact, November 17th, 50 years ago, is when the contract was signed that got the whole thing started. Coinciding with this anniversary, though, the National Science Foundation, which operates the NRAO has released a new report evaluating the cost-efficiency of several of its sites, including Green Bank. Site Director Richard Prestage talked with us about what it means.
Read MoreYouth Science Camp delegates study radio astronomy in Green Bank
A small group of delegates to the National Youth Science Camp, going on right now in Pocahontas County, spent their Saturday night camped out at the 40-foot telescope at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank. Sunday morning, operating on zero to three hours sleep, these dedicated 18-year-olds used their observations to come up with a theory about the rotation of our galaxy.
Read MoreGreen Bank scientists discover hydrogen “super-bubble” exploding from Milky Way
Astronomers at Green Bank have discovered a huge bubble of hydrogen gas rising 10,000 light-years above the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy. It’s a discovery that could not have been made anywhere except Green Bank, WV. Jay Lockman talks with us about what it means.
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