Remembering the 1967 Copperheads

The Pioneer Days supplement of The Pocahontas Times this month featured the 1967 Marlinton High School State Championship football team–a great look back into recent history as part of the tradition of Pioneer Days. Allegheny Mountain Radio is pleased to share its 1987 20th anniversary broadcast of this historic event in Pocahontas County sports history.

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Pioneer Days needleworkers have a point to make

In past years, the Pioneer Days Needlework Show has fallen by the wayside, with some contestants actually bringing in work they didn’t do, and some bringing in old works that had been shown for years. The Needlework Show was kind of a motherless child, with all the work piled onto coordinators who had other things to do. But this year, the three Pocahontas County Quilt Guilds have adopted the show, and they’re giving it new life.

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Champion Liar Bil Lepp to host WVMR Old-Time Liars Contest

“I tell a story about how I have to wrestle a mountain lion out in California and end up converting him to Christianity through baptism,” says Bil Lepp, boasting of just one of the outlandish yarns he has spun on his way to becoming the five-time champion of the West Virginia Liars Contest. Lepp will host the return of the WVMR Old-Time Liars Contest, Saturday of Pioneer Days, after the parade, at McClintic Library.

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