Community turns out after Future Farmers banquet cancelled

When Augusta County Schools decided it was unsafe for students to travel in Thursday’s stormy weather, Highland County was left with 140 pork tenderloin dinners, prepared for the regional Future Farmers of America Banquet, and no one to serve them to.

The FFA turned it into a spontaneous community fundraiser that was remarkably well-attended. FFA advisor Steve Hevener talked with us the next day.

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Cass Fire Department helps make do

At our fall fundraiser this coming week, we’ll be talking with people about how they Make Do In The Mountains. What do people do to go that extra mile that makes living in a rural area possible – and worthwhile.

One way people tend to Make Do around here is to pitch in and organize when somebody could use a helping hand.

The Cass Fire Department is pitching in this Sunday to help one of their members who has some unexpected medical bills.

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