Posts Tagged ‘HILLSBORO’
Reggae Sunfest at The Pretty Penny
The third annual celebration of reggae music and Caribbean food will start at 1pm this Saturday
Read MoreArea organizations work together to improve access to fresh, local food in Hillsboro
A community-oriented project in Hillsboro is starting to get off the ground, thanks to a few area organizations that seek to improve access to fresh, local produce.
Read MoreHillsboro water distribution point now open
The water distribution point operates like a vending machine, with coin and bill slots.
Read MoreHillsboro Elementary Slated To Get New Cafeteria
After multiple attempts, Pocahontas Schools Superintendent CC Lester, Hillsboro Principal Ricky Sharp, county school’s Treasurer Alice Irvine and Board of Education member Kenny Vance are finally able to persuade the state to provide the funding to build a new cafeteria at the school.
Read MoreWV Wilderness Coalition Asks Hillsboro Town Council For Support For Cranberry Wilderness Designation
Mike Costello spoke with the Hillsboro Town Council in March about support to designate the Cranberrry Wilderness as national monument.
Read MoreRadio Hillsboro Is OnThe Air
It was an idea born in the 1990’s. Now, after years of planning and countless hours of fundraising by a cadre of dedicated volunteers, Radio Hillsboro is now a reality.
Read MoreNew Hillsboro Principal Excited About New School Year
New school year, new Principal for Hillsboro Elementary
Read MoreAttorney Finds Hillsboro Boundaries Unchanged Since 1886
The Town of Hillsboro may be significantly larger than current county records show. Town of Hillsboro attorney Gene Simmons says that after an extensive search of Pocahontas County’s court records, Hillsboro property titles and town records, he could find no official changes to the boundaries that were laid out at the town’s founding in 1886.
Read MoreMayor Workman Says Hillsboro Resident Annexation Fears Are Unfounded
Hillsboro Mayor Anne Walker and town attorney Eugene Simmons do their best to assure Hillsboro-area residents that the town is not considering annexation. Instead, Walker and Simmons have been poring over courthouse records just to find out where the legal boundaries of the town lie.
Read MoreHillsboro Town Council Will Seek Legal Opinion On Town Boundary Question
Nearly a year after Hillsboro town boundaries first came into question, town council voted Tuesday evening to hire an attorney and surveyor to determine exactly where the boundaries lie.
Read MoreHillsboro Fire Chief Says Faulty Hydrants Need Attention
Hillsboro Fire Chief Charlie Wilfong asked Hillsboro Town Council Tuesday evening to move quickly to fix town fire hydrants that aren’t draining properly. At least one hydrant had frozen water in it this winter. Inoperable hydrants pose a safety risk and open up the town to potential liability, says Wilfong.
Read MoreHillsboro Elementary Principal Worried About School Meeting AYP
Principal Terrence Beam is concerned that test scores may not be high enough to meet Adequate Yearly Progress as defined by No Child Left Behind policy.
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