A Few Good Minutes with BCHS Class of 1973 President Mike Lindsay

The Bath County High School Class of 1973 will celebrate their 50 year anniversary with events the weekend of October 20th and the 21st. Below is an interview that aired (9/27/23). Mike attended VMI and enlisted in the Army after graduation. This was a great interview. Mike offered up some great perspective about life in Bath County and how his classmates handled school consolidation. We ask that you consider liking and sharing this interview to help us reach more people like you.


Story By

Danny Cardwell

Danny is the Station Coordinator for WCHG, and the host of our gospel and country hours on Wednesdays 10:00 am to noon. He and his wife Renee Cardwell live with a spoiled dog (Toddie) in Hot Springs. Danny is a Deacon at Piney Grove Baptist Church in Hot Springs. He operates Thoughtwrestler.blogspot.com and is a site administrator and featured writer for the website Dagblog.com. He has been a frequent contributor to The Hal Ginsberg Morning Show, All Politics Are Local, and Politics Done Right. Danny has tutored, lectured, and mentored at risk youth in churches, group homes, and inside the Virginia Department Corrections. He serves on the board of directors for Preservation Bath and chairs the Bath Community Hospital Patient Advisory board. danny@amrmail.org

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