Applications for Bath-Highland 4-H Camp are due April 1st

Hello this is Kari Sponaugle, Bath and Highland County 4-H Youth Development Agent for this week’s Town and Country Topics.

Wednesday April 1st is a big day for Bath and Highland 4-H!

Item #1: CIT and Teen applications for Junior 4-H Camp are due. Any teen at least age 13 by January 1st 2015 can apply to be a Counselor in Training or CIT. Any teen at least age 14 by January 1st 2015 that has completed a year as CIT at Junior 4-H Camp can apply to be a teen. While applications are due April 1st, references are not due until April 9th. Applications can be found on the Bath or Highland webpages at or /highland or you can contact myself at 540 839 7261 or by email at

Item #2: Also on April 1st, Junior 4-H Camp registration for campers age 9-13 opens. This year there are 3 sections of registration. April 1st through April 8th is Early Bird Week with a discount and scholarship eligibility. Regular registration is April 9th to May 5th with eligibility for scholarships. And late registrations will be accepted May 6th to June 5th but require the full payment up front. Youth enjoy classes, theme nights, a talent show, swimming time and other fun activities during camping week of July 13th through 17th at the WE Skelton Center at Smith Mtn. Lake. I’m also looking for adults to come to camp as well. If spending a week by Smith Mtn. Lake and helping 4-H Campers have a great time sounds fun to you, please give me a call or drop by the extension offices for an adult application.

Item #3: The big finale to Wednesday April 1st is the MES Talent Show at 6:30 pm at Millboro Elementary School. Youth who have pre-registered with 4-H may be selected to move on to District 4-H contest on Saturday, April 11th in Madison VA. We hope to send a delegation to District contest this year from both Bath and Highland Counties. Youth who were in both the Highland County 4-H Contest the VES Talent Show have already been notified and registered for district contest. We hope to see a showing of Bath talent at this year’s Northern District 4-H Contest.

More activities are being planned for Bath and Highland 4-H including the reestablishment of a 4-H Horse Club in Highland. This club is open to youth in the surrounding areas who are interested in horses and 4-H. An organizational meeting will be held Tuesday, April 14th at the Modular Conference Room in Monterey at 6pm. Come share your ideas and enroll to “Make the Best Better” with 4-H in our communities.

Don’t forget to visit our Bath and Highland 4H Facebook page, as well as our local office webpages for more 4-H information. Highland and Bath 4H is now also on Twitter. Follow us at @highlandbath4H. We’d love to see pictures of local 4H events and programs displayed on these pages!

If you would like to see more 4-H in your area, please contact me, Kari Sponaugle, Bath & Highland 4-H Youth Development Agent at 540 839 7261 or 540 468 2225! I work out of the Warm Springs Courthouse on the ground floor Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and am in the Highland Extension office on Tuesdays, by the Highland Center, which is now undergoing renovations. That’s all for this week’s Town and Country Topics! Have a great week!

Story By

Heather Niday

Heather is our Program Director and Traffic Manager. She started with Allegheny Mountain Radio as a volunteer deejay. She then joined the AMR staff in February of 2007. Heather grew up in the Richmond, Virginia, area and now lives in Arbovale, West Virginia with her husband Chuck. Heather is a wonderful flute player, and choir director for Arbovale UMC. You can hear Heather along with Chuck on Tuesday nights from 6 to 8pm as they host two hours of jazz on Something Different.

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