Bath Bus Routes publicized for 2015-16 School year
August 13, 2015
The following is a list of bus numbers, bus drivers and bus routes for Bath County Public Schools. Students will return to school on Wednesday, August 19. All starting times are approximate. Please plan to be at your bus stop 15-20 minutes early for the first week of school. Please check the bus route your child will ride.
· Bus #3, Beverly Adkins: Pick Up Starting Time 7:20 AM – Rt. 220 South, Rt. 608 (Tinkertown), Rt. 220 North, Rt. 612 (Ashwood Dr.), Rt. 613 (Forestry Road), Rt. 695, Rt. 697 (Virginia Hill), Rt. 695, Rt. 220 South picking up students to Valley Elementary School, Rt. 220 North to Bath County High School. |
· Bus #4, Gray Peery: Pick Up Starting Time 7:15 AM – Airport Mountain Road; Rt. 703, Rt. 606, Rt. 220 North, Rt. 700, Rt. 647, Rt. 220 North picking up students to Valley Elementary School, Rt. 220 North to Bath County High School. |
· Bus #5, Betty Bradberry: Pick Up Starting Time 6:50 AM – Douthat Road; Rt. 629 North, Rt. 683 (Blue Grass Hollow), Rt. 629, Rt. 39 West, Rt. 630 (Stage Coach Road) to Oak Ridge Station, Rt. 39 East, Wildcat School Road, Rt. 39 East, Transfer at Windy Cove Church with Bus #19 at 7:45 AM, Rt. 39 East to Millboro Elementary School. |
· Bus #6, Steve Sweitzer: Pick Up Starting Time 7:20 AM – Rt. 687, (picking up all students from Alleghany County line to Burns Auto), Rt. 605 (Coles Mtn. Road), Rt. 616/650 (Pine Hurst Heights), Rt. 220 North (picking up students from Hot Springs to Bath County High School, Rt. 642 (Routier Hill), Rt. 220 North to Bath County High School, Rt. 220 South to Valley Elementary School. |
· Bus #7, Tammy Stinespring: Pick Up Starting Time 7:00 AM – Millboro; Rt. 633 (Crooked Spur), across railroad tracks, Rt. 637, Rt. 665, Rt. 691, Rt. 633 (Tunnel Hill), Rt. 666, Rt. 668, Rt. 633-top of Crooked Spur, Rt. 638 (High Country Rd.), Rt. 635 (Ridge Road), Rt.39/42 West, Transfer at Windy Cove Church with Bus #19 at 7:45 AM, Rt. 39 East to Millboro Elementary School. |
· Bus #8, Harold Keyser: Pick Up Starting Time 7:10 AM – Rt. 609 (from bridge to Highland line), Rt. 614 (from Burnsville to Route 220), Rt. 220 South (picking up students from Warm Springs Inn to BCHS, Rt. 619 (Klondike), Route 220 South to Bath Conty High School, Rt. 220 South to Valley Elementary School. |
· Bus #10, Stevie Hodge: Pick Up Starting Time 6:55 AM –Rt. 600 North (Big Back Creek Road), Rt. 601 (Little Back Creek Rd.), Rt. 676 (Church Rd.), Rt. 600 South (Lake Rd.), Rt. 39 East to Warm Springs, Rt. 675/620 West Warm Springs, Court House Hill, Rt. 220 South to Bath County High School, Rt. 220 South to Valley Elementary School. |
· Bus #12, Sharon Wells: Pick Up Starting Time 7:15 AM – North on Rt. 42, transfer at Windy Cove with Bus #15 at 7:50 AM, Rt. 39, Rt. 633 to Millboro Elementary School, Rt. 666 across tracks (picking up elementary school students only) to Millboro Elementary School. |
· Bus #15, Sonny Clark: Pick Up Starting Time 6:55 AM – Rt. 609 (Bath Alum/Dry Run), Rt. 624 (Westminister Road), travel to Rt. 633 picking up students while traveling South (Pig Run), Rt. 39 West, transfer at Windy Cove Church with Bus #12 at 7:50 AM, Rt. 39 West, Rt. 200 south to Bath County High School. |
· Bus #17, Billy Grimm: Pick Up Starting Time 6:55 AM – Deerfield; Rt. 629, Rt. 641, Rt. 629, Rt. 640, Rt. 39 West to Kool Dri, Rt. 39 West, Transfer at Windy Cove Church with Bus #15 at 7:50 AM, Rt. 635, Rt. 638, Millboro Elementary School. |
· Bus #18, David Liptrap: Pick Up Starting Time 7:00 AM – Rt. 621 (McGuffin Rd.), Rt. 687 (Bacova Rd.), Rt. 618 (Dunn’s Gap Rd.), Rt. 693 (Campbell Hollow Rd – Bus Stop at Burns Auto), Rt. 687 (picking up students from Campbell Hollow to Rt. 616), Rt. 615 to Hot Springs (picking up all students), Rt. 618 Mitchelltown (Dunn’s Gap Rd.), Rt. 649 (Mitchelltown Rd.- Grand View Dr.), Park Lane (Homestead Rd.), Rt. 220 South to Valley Elementary School, Rt. 220 North to Bath County High School. |
· Bus #19, Larry Entsminger: Pick Up Starting Time 7:00 AM – Pick Up in Williamsville on Rt. 614, Rt. 678 (Indian Draft Road), right on Rt. 625 (River Road), left on Rt. 629, (Deerfield Road), left on Rt. 678 (Indian Draft Road) for ½ mile to turn around, picking up students on Rt. 678, transfer at Windy Cove Church with Bus #7 and Bus #5 at 7:45 AM, Rt. 39 West (picking up Bath County High School students), Rt. 683, Rt. 220 South to Bath County High School. |
· Bus #22, Ronnie Liptrap: Pick Up Starting Time 6:55 AM – Rt. 220 North to Little Valley, Bolar; Rt. 694, Rt. 607, Rt. 220 South, Rt. 623, Rt. 220 South, Rt. 680, Rt. 220 South to Bath County High School, Rt. 220 South to Valley Elementary School. |
Should you have any questions, please contact the school your child will be attending: Bath County High School 839-2431, Millboro Elementary School 997-5452, or Valley Elementary School 839-5395.