Bath County High School Marching Band Wins Grand Champion Title
Warm Springs, Va – Congratulations to the Bath County High School band. The band was recognized at Tuesday night’s Bath School Board meeting for winning its first ever Grand Champion title. In addition, the band also won first place in all categories: color guard, drum major, percussion and overall at the Blast In The Draft competition at Stuarts Draft High School in Augusta County, Virginia on September 24.
After the meeting Bath County High School Principal Sarah Rowe distributed to the press an announcement about a new policy at the high school. Effective Friday October 7, animals will not be allowed on Bath County High School grounds during school sponsored events unless prior permission is granted by school administration. Animals used for service for an individual with disabilities are exempt under this new policy. Any organizations that have permission to use Bath County High School’s grounds and facilities reserve the right to set forth their own policy regarding animals.
Also at the meeting on Tuesday night, the school principals reported on plans in place for this year to focus on attendance issues. Elementary Schools Principal Les Balgavy said there are no more than ten students between the two elementary schools that have attendance issues. Balgavy said he will continue to send letters home to parents and may talk with families to learn how to possibly help with situations that are affecting the student’s attendance. He said there is an attendance incentive program in place at Millboro Elementary.
Bath County High School Principal Sarah Rowe said there are three students now with five or more absences at the high school. She reported that the high school will have a mentor program with regular monitoring this year. The Achievement Boosters Club will begin recognizing attendance as part of its reward programs. A Thursday evening Extended School Days Program is in place that can help students remove unexcused absences from their records.
The School Board approved items for the upcoming surplus auction. The auction is scheduled for Saturday October 29 at 10am at the school bus garage. And the Board made the following appointments:
Kirby Smith as Chatelaines head coach
Keith Lindsay as girl’s basketball varsity coach
Terry Bradley as boy’s basketball varsity coach
Lisa Hamilton as boy’s basketball JV coach and
Mark Fry was appointed as boys basketball volunteer assistant
Donna Hepler and Steve Shaver were appointed as substitute teachers and Melissa Ryder was appointed as a substitute teacher and a substitute for food service