Bath County Schools Come In Under Budget For Fiscal Year 2010-2011
Warm Springs, Va – Bath County Schools closed out the fiscal year and came in under budget. At Tuesday night’s Bath Board of Supervisors meeting, School Superintendent Sue Hirsh reported that the school system turned in to the county about $84,000 excess funds. Hirsh also had a question about the purchase of two buses which was approved by the Board of Supervisors as part of the schools’ Capital Improvement Plan.
The school board requested money to purchase a school bus and an activity bus, with air conditioning and cargo compartments. Hirsh reported that the cost of the school bus will probably be less than expected, but the cost of the activity bus will be more. She asked if any money remaining after the school bus purchase could be applied to the cost of the activity bus.
Supervisor Jon Trees responded by saying he has been eaten alive by constituents for considering the schools’ request for a bus with air conditioning. He said air conditioning is expensive to buy and it’s also expensive to maintain. Supervisor Trees said he would not support getting a bus with air conditioning, saying he couldn’t justify it. Hirsh said the school board may decide to take the remainder of the money and purchase another school bus, if there wasn’t enough left over for the activity bus.
Supervisor Richard Byrd said if the school board decides to purchase another type of bus instead of the activity bus, the school board should not ask for an activity bus again. He said the Board of Supervisors would not want to see an activity bus on the schools capital improvement plan again, because it has been on the list for years. Supervisor Byrd confirmed that the school board could use excess funds from one bus purchase towards the second bus purchase, because the Board of Supervisors appropriated the money and the schools can use it any way that’s needed.
Hirsh also reported on another capital improvement item. She said the locker room at the high school has been cleaned and plans are moving ahead for the repairs. The work will probably be completed by October.
The board approved a request from Tourism Director Maggie Anderson to proceed with an agreement for a TV documentary. Oak Tree Productions will feature Bath in a 30 minute documentary called “Road Trip to History.” This documentary will be part of a larger series featuring other counties including Highland and Alleghany, both of which have already been produced. The board approved $10,500.00 out of the tourism budget to be used for production.
Also on Tuesday night the board appointed Supervisors Percy Nowlin and Richard Byrd and County Administrator Bonnie Johnson to the Rockbridge Regional Library Board. And the board recommended that Janice O’Farrell be appointed to the Board of Zoning Appeal by the Circuit Court Judge.