Bath School Board to seek Millboro preschool funding

Hot Springs, Va. –

The Bath School Board hopes to put a preschool class at Millboro Elementary for the remainder of this school year. At Monday night’s Bath School Board meeting, the Board approved asking the Bath Board of Supervisors to appropriate funding to get the class started soon. About $60,000 will be needed.

School Superintendent Sue Hirsh said that Head Start will help with materials and supplies and several good applicants have applied for the teaching position. She said her projected start date is February 18th.

School Board member Amy Gwin said it is great that there are enough students to have a class this year and next year at Millboro. She encouraged parents of young children to apply for preschool, even if they eventually decide not to have their children attend. Gwin said the School Board can’t make decisions when they don’t know the children are out there. The effort to put a preschool class at Millboro Elementary got a late start in the school year, because earlier it did not appear that there were enough students to fill a class at Millboro, because applications were not submitted.

Also on Monday night the Board approved its Capital Improvement Plan. Improvements requested for the 2013-14 fiscal year include door replacement and repair at the high school and at Valley Elementary at a cost of about $57,000. Camera surveillance systems at the elementary schools and exterior door sensors at all schools, with a total cost of about $147,000 and two new buses with a cost of about $172,000.

And for the 2014-15 fiscal year, requests include high school auditorium improvements, including humidity control, new stage curtains and new carpet. And a new vehicle, a new bus and restroom improvements at all schools. And on the CIP for two years out, in 2015-16, requests are parking lot improvements at the high school, new high school lockers, two new buses and refinishing of the gym floor at the high school.

And the Board discussed the school zone sign at Valley Elementary. The current flashing sign is expensive to maintain and the Board is considering replacing it with a non flashing school zone sign. Superintendent Hirsh reported that VDOT has indicated that while the sign can be changed and the area will be a school zone, the speed limit will not be reduced without a flashing light sign. Without a flashing sign, the speed limit would be 45 mph. The Board requested more information before making a decision on sign replacement.

And the Board appointed Daniel Cody Altizer, Pamela Ann Allen, Bart Perdue and Lanette Weise as substitute teachers.

And the Board authorized Student #3 to be on school property to pursue the GED credential.

And Student #4 is required to provide proof of enrollment, participation and document success in a tobacco cessation program at personal expense.

And the Board approved long term suspension of 364 days for Student #5 and Student #6.

And the Board approved a non-resident application for a student to complete the year at Millboro Elementary.

And as part of its organizational meeting, the Board elected Rhonda Grimm to serve as School Board Chair for 2013 and Cathy Lowry was elected Vice Chair.

Story By

Heather Niday

Heather is our Program Director and Traffic Manager. She started with Allegheny Mountain Radio as a volunteer deejay. She then joined the AMR staff in February of 2007. Heather grew up in the Richmond, Virginia, area and now lives in Arbovale, West Virginia with her husband Chuck. Heather is a wonderful flute player, and choir director for Arbovale UMC. You can hear Heather along with Chuck on Tuesday nights from 6 to 8pm as they host two hours of jazz on Something Different.

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