Bath Student Talent Show A Bright Spot In February
Warm Springs, Va – The Bath County High School Student Talent show provides a bright spot in the cold month of February. The show gives students the opportunity to share their talents for a chance to win cash prizes.
Jackie Stephenson is the Assistant Principal and Career and Technical Education
Director at Bath County High School. She’s also the liaison for the Achievement Boosters Club, which sponsors the talent show. Students perform in various categories, such as singing, dancing, comedy, instrumental and miscellaneous.
The winner of each category gets a cash prize. And a cash prize will be awarded to the audience favorite. And the class with the most entries in the talent show will be awarded cash for its treasury. Jenna Crummett, a junior at Bath County High School, plans to perform this year.
“I plan on singing a song; I haven’t decided if it’s going to be a gospel song or country or pop” says Crummett. “I might also do a little bit of dancing with the Spanish class if they can talk me into it.”
This is the ninth year the Achievement Boosters Club has sponsored the talent show. Proceeds go towards prizes for the performers and scholarships. Admission is $3 for adults, $2 for students or $10 for families.
The talent show is open only to Bath County High School students. An act can be either a single student or a group. Entry forms need to be submitted by February 11.
The Bath County High School Talent Show is Saturday February 19 at 6:30 at the high school auditorium. February 26 is the snow date. For more information call Bath County High School at 839-2431 or Achievement Booster Club president Roy Burns at 839-2611.