Board of Ed Receives Update on the MIP at Pocahontas County High School
During the Informational Report section of the November 26th Pocahontas County Board of Education meeting Randy Jones of OWPR Architects, who is managing the Major Improvement Project at PCHS, reported that the sewer system install has been delayed because a vender sent the wrong sized holding tanks. Two 3,300-gallon tanks were received instead of the ordered and needed 5000-gallon tanks. Jones assured the Board that this mistake will not cost the Board any money, just a delay. He also said that most items on the project came in under budget, but the fire alarm replacement bid was $84,000.00 over the amount budgeted for it. If they accept that bid, it would cause the entire project to be $24,363.00 over budget. Jones said they are going to reject that bid and send out new bid proposals. He also said the new water tank is scheduled to be installed in the spring.
The Board received Mr. Beam’s Superintendent’s Report in which he talked about the results of the Regional Literature Fair in which four of the eleven first place projects were from Pocahontas County.
The Board examined and approved the usual and routine financial matters:
It should be noted that several of the Board members questioned the School’s Treasurer, Sherry Ratcliff about some of the vender and card charges that struck them as odd, but she was able to satisfy them with her documented explanations of those charges.
The Board approved a list of Community and Parent volunteers for the current school-year.
Note: There was no professional and service personnel agenda on the agenda for this meeting
During their “matters of the Board” session where each Board Member had the opportunity to discuss whatever they felt was important. Becky Campbell said that Ms. Chestnut and Ms. Wilfong brought students to help out at the Family Resources Network’s Food Pantry, and the kids did great work.
Sue Hollandsworth said that teachers have expressed concerns about the teacher professional development programs being offered in that they are too general and not grade specific. She said teachers want more say in the development of those training programs. Mr. Beam responded by saying that there a lot of professional development days in the school calendar to allow for the teachers to do that.
Justine Dilley said he is concerned that only one person has the administrative password for the PCHS computer system to fix minor, but debilitating problems with that system, and if he is not available, the computer system will remain out of service until he returns.
In a final action, the Board members voted to cancel the December 3rd Board meeting as there is not enough items for that agenda. The next meeting will be on Monday, December 17th at the Board Office starting with a 4 p.m. work session with the Principals.
Justine Dilley expressed his concern that there is only one staff member at PCHS who has the administrative password to needed to fix computer problems at PCHS, and if that person, Mr. Beverage, is off or not available, minor problems will not be fixed.