BOE Schedules Special Meeting About State Investigation of Transcripts Issues
At the end of the January 28th Pocahontas Board of Education meeting, Board President Emery Grimes dropped a bombshell, when he scheduled a special BOE meeting for Thursday, February 13th at 6 pm to discuss the results of the WV DOE’s investigation of the irregularities and errors in student transcripts that first came to light last fall. Grimes mentioned that this special meeting was timed for the day after the DOE is to announce the results of their investigation of how these errors occurred. He also said that following a discussion of the state investigation during the special meeting, the board will go into an executive (closed) session to discuss personnel.
Earlier during a break at the meeting, we asked School Superintendent Lynne Bostic about the transcript issue. Bostic said she had some privileged information about this which she cannot speak about until after the state DOE completes its investigation, but she can say that progress in fixing the transcript errors is ongoing.
During her report to the board, Bostic updated the snow day situation, saying that the State Board of Education has clarified that the two days last fall that school was closed because of threats, will still be counted as snow days even though they were announced as a emergency closings. She said that the new final day of school this year will now be June 2nd, the next days missed by weather will be made up first on June 3rd, then April 21st, followed by days taken from spring break.
Bostic said that she has recently been made aware of Jackson County Schools “Shield” program, where the schools work with their county sheriff’s department to have each deputy spend 2 hours a week in the county schools, and the schools will pay for half their salaries for when they war in the schools. She noted that the problem with such a program being implemented here is that because of a personnel shortage, the Pocahontas County Sheriff’s Department only has 3 deputies, however she is willing to talk to the State Police to see if they would be willing to participate in a similar program here.
Bostic also said:
- That earlier that day, 7 members of the WV DOE were conducting staff training at PCHS;
- That PCHS is offering EMT classes now;
- She is trying to set up a meeting with 911 director Michael O’Brien and others to discuss possible solutions to the issues with Wi-Fi at the Green Bank School due to Quiet Zone restrictions
- They are also discussing the possibilities of offering PE Credits to students who play school sports or are in the band.
Student Representative Joseph VanMeter mentioned to the board that they should consider purchasing new laptops for students since the current ones are 5 years-old. He also mentioned that last week a student player on the Tigert’s Valley Basketmall team smashed out a window in the girls’ locker room at PCHS. The board members said they need to get that school to replace it.
Additionally at the meeting, the board approved:
- Routine financial Reports
- To allow 4 students from Marlinton Middle school to attend the Region VIII (8) Middle School honor Band at Philippi High School on February 21-22.
- The M3T Grant for Leading Teaching Improvement Network, Inc.
- Additional services from Education System Solutions, Inc. for more professional development services.
- A cooperative agreement with Davis and Elkins College regarding the Upward Bound Program.
- To terminate their energy savings agreement with Wendl Energy Services. LLC. Sherri Radcliff pointed out this was costing us $20,000 a year and the benefits were less then that.
- 49 revisions to current policies due to legislative changes.
- Placing 3 policies: Meetings, Attendance; and Grading on 30-day public comment.
- The recommended Service and Professional personnel actions.
The dual semester grading of some courses as opposed to giving one end of course grade was discussed, and Bostic said this is being studied. It was also said that the student handbook is a guide, not policy. These comments were referring to delegation comments made at the last meeting.