Celebrate The Summer Solstice On The “Beach” In Millboro This Saturday
Millboro, VA – Head out to the beach in Millboro on Saturday. The Parish of the Pastures Presbyterian Church Relay for Life team is holding a Summer Solstice Beach Party as a fundraiser. Olivia Haney is a member of the team, and says they’ll have entertainment that night provided by Roanoke based “Jimmy Buffet” style band “The Key West Band”. Food and games will also be available.
The beach party will be held behind Millboro Elementary School. If the weather turns bad, it will be moved inside in the school gym. The summer solstice beach party celebrates the coming of summer; this year it arrives on Monday June 21.
“We’re hoping it will be a beach-like atmosphere, we won’t have any waves, [but] we may have some sand before it’s over” says Haney. “But there’ll definitely be some limbo, there’s going to be ladder ball, there’s going to be corn hole, there’s going to be bocci ball.”
They’ll also have a duck pond for kids, beach balls, and possibly beach volleyball, and leis. Youth from three area churches, Millboro Presbyterian, Goshen Presbyterian and Rocky Spring Presbyterian in Deerfield are involved with the Parish of the Pastures team. They were looking to do something different as a fundraiser this year for the Relay for Life.
“Many people in our churches have had someone they know or love touched and have either died from or survived cancer” says Haney. “We find it a very worthwhile cause that we can raise money for.”
Admission to the beach party is $10 per person or $25 per family. Food is extra. The Millboro Ruritan Club will be barbequing chicken. Hamburgers, hot dogs, snacks and drinks will also be available. Please remember to bring a chair. The Summer Solstice beach party is Saturday June 19 from 5 to 10pm at Millboro Elementary School. The Key West Band takes the stage at 7.