Collins announces Community Improvement Grant for Thomastown

Hot Springs, Va. –

Bath County is one of six localities in Virginia receiving a 2012 Community Improvement Grant. At Tuesday night’s Bath Board of Supervisors meeting, Supervisor Claire Collins announced that Total Action Against Poverty has assisted Bath County in receiving a $500,000 grant for the Thomastown neighborhood in Hot Springs. Community Development Block Grant Funds will be used for housing rehab, removal of blighted structures and water service projects. Twenty five localities in Virginia submitted proposals for grants and Bath County was one of six chosen.

Also on Tuesday night Interim County Administrator Bill O’Brien gave an update on the work of the Courthouse Renovation Committee. The Board accepted the committee’s recommendation of using Balzer and Associates of Roanoke to perform an office space needs analysis of the courthouse. The analysis will look at ADA accessibility and rearranging offices for more efficiency. The committee will meet with Balzer and Associates to develop a budget on its services and then make a request for the Board.

O’Brien also reported that a proposal had been received on installation of a generator at Bath County High School. The generator would provide power during emergencies so the school could be a Red Cross certified shelter. The proposal is from Reliable Energy, a subsidiary of BARC Electric. There are three options to choose from on cost. The options vary depending on how much upfront cost the Board chooses to pay. The Board took no action on the proposal Tuesday night.

O’Brien also updated the Board on work being done regarding cost savings on the county’s solid waste disposal. Recommendations from a report presented last fall included having Bath’s trash hauled to a closer facility and realigning collection procedures, so the county could move away from operating the transfer station. The transfer station is in need of $250,000 worth of repairs to bring it into compliance. O’Brien said he has been in contact with localities interested in receiving the trash from Bath County.

Also on Tuesday night the Board heard from Parks and Recreation Director Mark Nelson about improvements to the county’s two swimming pools. The installation of ADA lift chairs and re-plastering of the pools is needed. Nelson reported that he received one bid on the project. It was from National Pools with a cost of $79,900. The Board voted to accept that bid. At the Millboro pool in order to accommodate the lift chair a new concrete slab will be laid and the fence will be moved back. Nelson said he will go out for bid locally on that concrete work.

And the Board appointed John Cowden to the Planning Commission to fill a vacancy due to the recent resignation of Lynn Ellen Black. And Richard Byrd was appointed to the Board of Zoning Appeals to fill a vacancy due to the resignation of Frank Johnson.

And the Board authorized Chairman Bruce McWilliams to make an offer of employment to the top candidate for Bath’s County Administrator position.

Story By

Heather Niday

Heather is our Program Director and Traffic Manager. She started with Allegheny Mountain Radio as a volunteer deejay. She then joined the AMR staff in February of 2007. Heather grew up in the Richmond, Virginia, area and now lives in Arbovale, West Virginia with her husband Chuck. Heather is a wonderful flute player, and choir director for Arbovale UMC. You can hear Heather along with Chuck on Tuesday nights from 6 to 8pm as they host two hours of jazz on Something Different.

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