“Dog Days of December”
Did you hear Tim Walker’s news story about being SAD at this time of year? It’s a condition known as Seasonal Affective Disorder, where lack of sunlight can affect individuals, causing, among other things, weight gain and depression. One of the recommendations for fighting this condition is taking advantage of daylight hours when you can to get some exercise.
Fans of winter outdoor sports have been sad in the traditional sense this year, as the unseasonably warm weather has curtailed skiing, sledding and other cold weather fun. There’s reason to turn all this sadness to happiness, though. There are still plenty of outdoor activities happening to help fight those winter blues.
Cara Rose from the Pocahontas County Convention and Visitors Bureau wanted listeners to know about the Dog Days of December, happening December 21st through January 3rd. Weather permitting, there will be a full slate of of opportunities to enjoy nature’s mountain playground.
At Snowshoe, you can ride the Zip Line, take a guided hike or cross country bike tour, or enjoy a round of traditional or disc golf. On January 2nd, there will be a Resolution 5k run, and a Polar Plunge swimming event.
These is plenty to do off the mountain as well. Route 66 in Cass is offering bike, canoe and kayak rentals, with shuttle service included. Appalachian Sports in Marlinton offering winter boat and bike rentals. Also in Marlinton, the Dirt Bean is offering bike rentals and open art studio projects.
For more information on all these events see the flyer attached to this story on alleghenymountainradio.org, or, contact the CVB at 1-800-336-7009. And don’t be SAD this winter.