Dog Show to Benefit Pocahontas County Humane Society

While you’re at this year’s Pioneer Days in Marlinton, you might want to consider entering your pet in the Pocahontas County Humane Society’s Dog show.  Chip Adkins, a volunteer with the Humane Society explains about this Pioneer Days event which is designed to raise money for the Humane Society as well as being lots of fun for you and your pets.

“It’s just a fun thing we’ve been doing for a few years” Chip says. “I’ve kind of been heavily involved in it over the last two or three years. It’s turned out pretty good. It’s a really fun time for the folks who come to Pioneer Days that bring their animals. We try to tout Marlinton as an animal friendly community. Some of the things we do for our dog show is we have nine different classes and we award ribbons and prizes.”

The event is a fun time rather than a serious competitive event, but behind it is a serious attempt to raise some money and awareness for the Humane Society.  Some of the judging classes are quite hilarious. Chip talks about them.

“The best costume for maybe the dog and the person or kind of in a similar costume” Chip says. “We also have a most original costume – just something different than you see every day. Best trick, most mysterious heritage, best vocal performance, which usually is somebody trying to get their dog to howl or bark a certain way, best tail wagging, most obedient, less obedient. Our final prize usually goes out just to a peoples’ choice award. We are also going to do a best of show this year. All the prizes are donated from the County businesses.”

Chip goes on to talk about the show.

It’s just a good time” says Chip. “Last year we had probably 20 to twenty-five dogs entered. We’ve got a bunch of kids involved now and as soon as we finish up with the dog show we kind of roll into the Pioneer Days Children’s parade. And we are trying to get the kids out to walk with our banner and walk the dogs in the parade. Last year we did it and it turned out great. Pioneer Days people have really been great about sticking with us cause sometimes when you’re dealing with animals you never know how things are going to turn out.”

And it doesn’t even have to be a dog that you enter in the show. Cats and other small animals are welcome this year. Chip explains that the name of the show is no longer just “Stretch Your Mutt”.

“We’ve kind of added, this year, another word, it’s called ‘Stretch Your Mutt or What’” Chip says. “That’s an indication that we’re willing to work with people who want to bring a different kind of animal out as long as they can handle the animal and it’s safe, a ferret or a cat, something like that. One year we awarded our best of show to a cat.”

Yes, the show is a lot of fun, but as mentioned earlier the registration fees to enter an animal goes to help the Humane Society.  Last year the registration fee was $10.00 and Chip believes it will be similar this year. As Chip explains, the money raised goes to support the worthwhile work of the Humane Society

“We’re just a small volunteer organization that does some programs within the County for dogs and cats- help out some of the owners of some of these animals with low cost spay and neuter vouchers “ says Chip. “Also we do a trap, neuter and return program with some money the County gave us a little over a year ago to trap feral cats and try and get them fixed and return them back into the same environment. This kind of alleviates some of the cat problems we are having.”

So, gather up your pets and come on out to the Gazebo in Marlinton around 5pm on Thursday, July 9th to register your pets for this truly fun pet show where you can enjoy your pet while helping out a worthy cause.

Story By

Tim Walker

Tim is the WVMR News Reporter. Tim is a native of Maryland who started coming to Pocahontas County in the 1970’s as a caver. He bought land on Droop Mountain off Jacox Road in 1976 and built a small house there in the early 80’s. While still working in Maryland, Tim spent much time at his place which is located on the Friars Hole Cave Preserve. Retiring in 2011 as a Lieutenant with the Anne Arundel County Police Department in Maryland, Tim finally took the plunge and moved from Maryland to his real home on Droop Mountain. He began working as the Pocahontas County Reporter for Allegheny Mountain Radio in January of 2015.

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