Highland Citizens Upset About Old Trees Cut Down In Monterey
Monterey, VA – Two concerned citizens, Judy Skeen and Brittany Whitelaw, came to address the Highland Board of Supervisors at last week’s meeting. Judy Skeen describes the incident that brought her to the meeting.
“We want to know why all the trees on the lawn at the Health Dept in Monterey had to be cut up” says Skeen. “Been told several different things and none of them make any sense whatsoever. They were five maples, older than any of us, so aside from saying how upset and angry I was Friday, what I want to know is why?”
Supervisor David Blanchard offers an explanation.
“There’s a really awful bird problem in those trees and they were defecating all over the place and the stench was terrible” says Blanchard. “This has been going on for years apparently. And the trees have been growing up into the power lines and the birds are electrocuting themselves.”
“We were told there are right and wrong trees for certain spots; it’s the wrong tree in the wrong place. The power company recommended that it was the best solution.”
So Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative crews came and removed the trees. They have agreed to provide the county with gift certificates for replacement trees.
In other business, County Administrator Roberta Lambert reports on the latest developments regarding the Monterey Sidewalk Project.
“We have received approval from VDOT; they have authorized the county to go ahead and award the bid to Plecker Construction company, who was the low bidder on this project” says Lambert. “What I’m asking is that the board go ahead and award the bid to Plecker and authorize me to sign on behalf of the county contingent upon the receipt of the additional necessary information.”
The Supervisors approved a motion to authorize Ms. Lambert to proceed.
Ms. Lambert also announced that the advertising for the public hearing on the county’s comprehensive plan has been placed and notices will appear in the Recorder newspaper and on the radio starting as soon as possible. The public hearing will be Tuesday, July 19, at 7:30 PM in the Modular Conference Center in Monterey. Copies of the comprehensive plan are available from Jim Whitelaw in his office in Monterey.
Finally, Ms. Lambert noted that she had received a letter from the Virginia Department of Transportation informing the Board that the Highland Center has been awarded the continuation of its Transportation Enhancement Grant in the amount of $304,000. This grant will help fund the ongoing renovation program at the Highland Center.
The next meeting of the Highland County Board of Supervisors will be the public hearing on the county comprehensive plan on Tuesday, July 19, at 7:30 p.m. in the Modular Conference Center in Monterey.