Highland County Arts Council Presents Youth Cell Phone Workshop in Collaboration with The Wayne Theatre on January 13

The arts provide vital links to other aspects of education for K-12 students according to Critical Links: Learning in the Arts and Student Achievement and Social Development, a recent compendium of research presented by the Arts Education Partnership, a broad association supported by the National Endowment for the Arts, the Department of Education, and some private funders. 


Critical Links makes the case for a great many connections between learning in the arts and student achievement. Connections are present, for example, between arts learning and social and emotional development. Dance is connected to self-confidence and persistence; music to self-efficacy and self-concept; drama to concentration, comprehension, conflict resolution, and self-concept; multi-arts to achievement motivation, cognitive engagement, self-confidence, risk-taking, perseverance, and leadership. Several studies show that children become more engaged in their studies when the arts are integrated into their lessons. Others show that at-risk students often find pathways through the arts to broader academic successes.


The Highland County Arts Council (HCAC) believes that the arts are essential to the building of communities, especially through the youth of Highland. Since last year, board members have made a concerted effort to bring in programming and workshops for youth, which fell off in early 2020 due to COVID.


Now, through a Virginia Commission for the Arts matching grant, The Highland County Arts Council is able to provide teaching artists from The Wayne Theatre in Waynesboro locally to students who are interested in the arts.


The newest program will be January 13th at The Highland Center from 1-3 p.m. This youth workshop will teach students aged 10 and up how to use their smartphone to take the best photos. This class will be of special interest to any budding thespians who might want tips on how to market themselves for roles in the future. 

The class is free and open to all, but registration is required by end of day on January 12. To register, contact Brit Chambers at britchambers@gmail.com or call 540-468-2474.

Story By


Brit Chambers

Brit Chambers is a resident of Highland County, Virginia and a news reporter for Allegheny Mountain Radio. She loves living in a small town and relishes the outdoor adventures and community feeling that Highland has to offer. Brit has a background in journalism, marketing, and public relations and spends her free time reading good books, baking sourdough bread, and hiking with her family.

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