Highland County Board of Supervisors Adopts County Budget
The Highland County Board of Supervisors has adopted the Fiscal Year 2022 county budget. The board held a public hearing on the proposed budget April 29, and there were no public comments made at the meeting. The proposed budget as of April 29 was $8,971,027, which was an increase of 1.83%.
At the meeting held to adopt the budget on May 6, County Administrator Roberta Lambert explained that the proposed budget needed to be amended since the Department of Social Services had received a revised budget. She explained that the Department of Social Services revision included a decrease in state funding of $6,353 and an increase in local funding of $226. She suggested the Board of Supervisors go ahead and amend the county budget instead of waiting to do it later. Including the Department of Social Services budget change, the county budget that was approved is now $8,964,899.
Tax rates were unchanged. They were approved at .48 for real estate, $2.75 for personal property, $1.00 for merchant’s capital and $1.00 for machinery and tools.
The Solid Waste Enterprise Fund budget was approved at $335,789. The annual enterprise fee was unchanged. It is $150 for residential, business- low density $75, business – low-medium density $150, business – medium density $225 and business – high density $300.
The Emergency Medical Services Fund budget was approved at $396,952. That includes revenue of $358,875 and a transfer of $38,077 to balance the budget. The EMS fee is $180 annually.