Highland County Board Of Supervisors Continue Work On County Comprehensive Plan
Monterey, VA – Highland County’s Comprehensive Plan is currently under review to see if the changes suggested by speakers at the public hearing in July will be adopted. At the recent meeting of the Board of Supervisors, County Administrator Roberta Lambert updated the Board on the latest developments.
“The Planning Commission has indicated that they would like to hold a meeting and review the public comments that were received” says Lambert. “All the oral and public comments have been provided to the Town Council, Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission and staff. The Planning Commission, after they hold their meeting, they’ll have a joint meeting with the Board [of Supervisors] and [Monterey] Town Council.”
Supervisor Sullenberger reported to Mike Henry of the Virginia Department of Transportation that he has heard from several county residents regarding the bridge replacement project in McDowell.
“Nobody’s opposed to the fact that the bridge needs replacing” says Sullenberger, “and this is just to the untrained public eye, but it appears that there’s very little activity; and when you start talking to people sitting through a three or four or whatever minute [stop light delay] and you tell people it’s going to take 18 months to fix it, they’re astounded.”
Mr. Henry from VDOT responds.
“We have received a good number of inquiries about not so much the lack of activity there recently, but about the length of time for the project” says Henry. “Susan Hammond had our district bridge and construction engineer contact several of these folks and discuss in depth their concerns. A very detailed explanation was given to several people.”
Mr. Henry reported to the Board on additional VDOT matters including the fact that the passing lanes on Rt. 250 west of Monterey, going up Monterey Mountain have now been restored.
Carolyn Pohowsky, Director of the Highland County Chamber of Commerce, asked Mr. Henry to confirm that the construction company working the bridge project in McDowell will have two lanes of traffic open and no traffic lights in operation during the 2012 Maple Festival. The current timetable calls for the bridge project to be completed around December of 2012.
In other business County Administrator Roberta Lambert reported to the Board on the School Energy grant.
“The Highland School energy project ARC grant was approved in the amount of $270,000.00” says Lambert, “with $99,900.00 being ARC funding, and $170,100.00 being funding from the County.”
This grant will continue funding for the project to add insulation and replace windows and doors at the school to improve the building’s energy efficiency and reduce heating and cooling costs.
The Board also approved appointment of Kirk Billingsley to a 4 year term on the Economic Development Authority to replace Trent Burkholder. Sara Harman was appointed to fill the remaining term of board member Jim White, who recently resigned from the EDA.
In response to a request from the Circuit Court Clerk and Judge Humes Franklin, the Board approved purchase of up to 2 picnic tables for the Courthouse grounds.
The next meeting of the Highland County Board of Supervisors will be their regular work session on Tuesday, August 16, at 7:30 PM in the Modular Conference Center in Monterey.