Highland County Board of Supervisors February 7 Meeting
The Highland County Board of Supervisors held it’s monthly meeting Tuesday night.
The Board voted to hold a joint public hearing with the Planning Commission on an application for a Conditional Use Permit. The joint public hearing will be held at the Planning Commission’s next regular meeting on Thursday, February 23. The Conditional Use Permit application is from Christopher McDaniel for a motorcycle, ATV and automobile repair service on Blue Grass Valley Road.
County Administrator Roberta Lambert reported on the Opioid Abatement Authority grants. May 5 is the deadline for applications for the first round of grants. Estimated grant amounts are $935 for fiscal year 2022, $983 for fiscal year 2023, and through fiscal year 2029, the county should receive a total of $27,000. The county has received similar funding in the past and there are restrictions on its use. There was discussion on using the funding for DARE programs in the schools and for using it to replace expiring Narcan supplies, which are used for overdoses.
The Supervisors set a joint public hearing with the Monterey Town Council for Tuesday, March 7 on the revised county Comprehensive Plan.
The Supervisors voted to designate Debbie Tribble as Infection Control Officer for the county rescue squad, until a new EMS Chief is hired. She is the Infection Control Officer for the volunteer rescue squad and she volunteered to do it for the county rescue squad also. County Administrator Roberta Lambert explained that former EMS Chief Carl Williams served in that role, but now that there is no current EMS Chief, an Infection Control Officer is needed as each licensed rescue squad is required to have one. In response to a question during public comment, Lambert said the county is working on hiring an EMS Chief and is preparing to do second interviews in-person.
County Administrator Roberta Lambert also gave an update on technology upgrades in the county offices, provided by the technology company that the county entered into an agreement with last fall. The company provides a package deal for technology support and upgrades. Lambert said the computers have been upgraded in the offices in the courthouse, and a new server and new email system have been installed, with all data now being backed up in triplicate.
And the Supervisors reappointed Jay Garber to the Highland County Planning Commission for a term expiring in December 2026.