Highland County Board of Supervisors January Work Session
At its monthly work session, the Highland County Board of Supervisors voted to approve a Local Emergency Planning Committee request to apply for a grant and to provide matching funding for it. The grant is for the purchase of a generator to be used in emergency situations and the locality supplies a 15% match and the grant allows eighteen months for localities to complete installation and pay the matching funds. Highland County currently has four emergency shelters: Word of Faith Church, the Highland Center, the Blue Grass Ruritan building and the high school. The high school is the location that can hold the most people and it is the only location without a generator or the connections for hooking one up. The LEPC could apply for funding for a permanent fixed generator and connection there or installation of a connection only or a mobile generator and a connection at the high school. The board approved the submission of the application by the LEPC and the match of 15%. There was discussion about whether to apply for a portable or fixed generator, if a storage shelter will be needed for a portable one and what the maintenance cost will be. The county currently has a maintenance agreement for all of its generators. There was agreement that a portable generator may be the most useful, as it could be used at different locations besides the high school, if needed. The LEPC will research maintenance cost and storage questions and will attend the Board of Supervisors additional meeting this month with the Planning Commission on January 28th. The grant application is due February 1st.
The Board approved having the Recreation Commission complete repairs and maintenance at the pool. The Recreation Commission will provide the funding and will go through the procurement process and take bids on the work.
There was also approval of adding the Highland Inn project to the county’s liability insurance. Since the restoration project is being sponsored by the EDA, which is a county agency, it can be added to the county’s policy. The insurance cost will be paid by the Blue Grass Resource Center.
The Board approved a loan to the Highland County Volunteer Rescue Squad for the purchase of a small four wheel drive ambulance. The loan will come from the county’s Fire and Rescue Revolving Loan Fund.
The Bolar Volunteer Rescue Squad asked for funding to buy a Lucas CPR device at a cost of $15,000. The rescue squad is working towards Advanced Life Support status and this device is required. The Board approved the request and the funding will come from the remaining CARES Act money.
And the Board appointed Darlene Crummett to the Recreation Commission to replace Claire Sax, who declined reappointment.
The Highland County Board of Supervisors is holding a joint meeting with the Planning Commission on January 28th at 7:30 at the Highland Modular Conference Center.