Highland Farmers’ Market Opens This Week

Time flies when you’re selling food. The 22nd year of the Highland Farmers’ Market begins this week, and we wanted to learn more.

“I am Jessica Durovy, the Programs Manager at The Highland Center. I will be the Farmers’ Market manager this year – we’re going to be hiring a YEP student to assist with the farmer’s market, and it will be just me and them.”

“The farmers’ market is at The Highland Center pavilion, and it’s every Friday from 3:30 – 6:00, starting May 24th through Hands and Harvest, the second week in October.”

She spoke about details of the season, and how potential vendors can become involved.

“This year, a lot of our repeat vendors will be coming – Church Hill Produce will be there, as well as Bruce’s Syrup and Candies, and Back Creek Farms, and we’re also going to have some new residents to the county will be vendors this year.”

“We recruit new vendors for each week, so, if you miss a market, that’s not a worry at all. You can e-mail me, call me, come by and see me anytime, and I’ll send you a vendor application.”

“This year, we will be doing some themes, depending on what the day is – so far, we have Donna Bedwell tentatively booked to come in and do some of her found artwork. We’re also going to be having live music, children’s’ activities, and an end of the year potluck.”

She concluded, “If you have any questions about the Farmers’ market, you can e-mail me at farmersmarket@htcnet.org. You can call the office at 540-468-1922, or feel free to stop by.”

Story By

Scott Smith

Scott Smith is the General Manager for Allegheny Mountain Radio and Station Coordinator and News Reporter for WVLS. Scott’s family has deep roots in Highland County. While he did not grow up here, he spent as much time as possible on the family farm, and eventually moved to Highland to continue the tradition, which he still pursues with his cousin. Unfortunately, farming doesn’t pay all the bills, so he has previously taken other jobs to support his farming hobby, including pressman/writer for The Recorder, and Ag Projects Coordinator for The Highland Center. He lives in Hightown with wife Michelle and son Ethan. In his spare time, he wishes he had more spare time, especially to ride his prized Harley-Davidson motorcycle. scott@amrmail.org

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