Highland Farmers’ Market To Hold Pre-Season Meeting
Local area farmer’s markets are ramping up preparations for their upcoming seasons, and we spoke with Cornelia Granberry, Local Foods Coordinator and Mary Ellen Garner, Food Programs Coordinator from The Highland Center to learn more about activities at the Highland Farmers’ Market.
Ms. Granberry managed the market last year.
“We’re working of a great year in 2017 – I think both vendors and customers were very pleased with the outcome of the season, and we’re carrying over that momentum as we move into our 21st season with 22 markets this year.
“Last year we had a good variety of types of produce seasonally. We had some great meat vendors as well, and baked goods, obviously maple syrup and honey as well. I think this year we’re really looking for more, and more variety, of meat producers. We’d also love to have trout at the market more regularly, and perhaps more variety of baked goods.”
Ms. Garner will oversee the market this year, and had more information about upcoming preparations.
“We are hoping to spread the word today about our pre-season vendor meeting, which is Wednesday, April 18th at 5:00 pm in The Highland Center. We are encouraging returning vendors, but we are also welcoming new vendors to join us as well. Anyone who is interested in selling their products at the Highland Farmers’ Market this year is welcome to attend.
“The vendor meeting will include information on the 2018 market season, sampling products at market, and donating excess produce.
“Vendors who sell by the pound are also encouraged to bring their scales with them for collecting them for certification.
“We are looking to get a head-count of vendors who will attend, so if you will be there, please RSVP farmersmarket@htcnet.org . On the other hand, if you are unable to attend but are still interested in becoming a vendor, we encourage you to go online at http://thehighlandcenter.org/our-programs/local-food-agriculture/farmers-market/ or you can contact us at farmersmarket@htcnet.org or call The Highland Center at 540-468-1922.”
The ladies will return to talk about more specifics of this year’s market as opening day approaches, but they did share some basic information.
“We’ll be opening up the pavilion on Fridays, from 3:30 – 6:00 pm, starting May 25th. The season will run through the second weekend in October, and we’re really hoping to see some new faces out there this year.”
“We will be accepting SNAP and EBT, just like last year, with the two-for-one match. Essentially what the two-for-one match means is if a SNAP user cashes in $5.00 using their EBT card, then they can spend twice that amount at the market.”
“We look forward to seeing vendors Wednesday, the 18th of April at 5:00 pm, and look forward to seeing shoppers at the market starting the 25th of May.”