Highland Historical Society Seeking Items For New Exhibits
The Highland County Historical Society is putting together two new exhibits at the Highland History Museum in McDowell, and are looking for your help. The themes for the two exhibits are Highland Weddings and Highland Veterans, and the Society is seeking memorabilia to be included in the displays.
For weddings, they are seeking wedding dresses, bridesmaids’ dresses, wedding invitations, photographs, or any other related items. These items are intended to be on loan and not included in the museum’s permanent collection. Anything submitted must represent weddings that took place in Highland County prior to 1965.
The Veterans exhibit will include memorabilia from Highland veterans only.
Items submitted must be representative of the following wars: World Wars 1 & 2, the Korean War and the War in Vietnam. However, if you have any memorabilia from the Revolutionary or Civil War, the museum would be interested in having your contact information for future exhibits. Items can include photographs, uniforms or parts of uniforms, medals, citations, and/or other memorabilia specific to any of the wars listed above.
Letters home from war will be copied and returned to the owner.
Items must be submitted no later than February 20. The new exhibits will open in time for Maple Festival.
For more information contact Carolyn Powhowsky at 468-3838. Ms. Powhowsky will be happy to pick up any memorabilia. Items are loaned to the Historical Society, however donations will be considered.