Highland Mid Kids Radio Club Formed
Thursday afternoon, the WVLS station in Monterey came alive, as 12 students from the Highland Mid Kids Radio Club came in to record their first news story.
“Lauren Davis, Ethan Smith, Abigail Redd, Emma Harmon, Willow Whitelaw, Carly Thomas, Anna Armstrong, Erin Brendel, Emma Harold, Caden Roberson, Cassidy Mowry, Alexis Wilfong.”
The students interviewed teacher Melody Moats on the upcoming Highland Middle School Bazaar. They created the list of questions, and were tough, dedicated news-people, working hard to get the information Maple Festival visitors need to know. Take it away, Mid Kids.
Emma Harold :“What is the middle school Maple Festival Bazaar? “
Melody Moats: “The middle school Maple Festival Bazaar is a chance for our middle school students and our Highland county band to earn money for all of the projects and trips and activities they do throughout the year. Grades 6, 7, and 8 as well as the high school band club participates. “
Caden Roberson:” Can you tell us when and where the bazaar will be? “
Melody Moats: “The bazaar is four days of March. On March 12th, 13th and then March 19th and 20th. It is located at the Highland high school in Room 8 of the high school wing. We have an area where we will be serving and then Room 6 is set up as a general seating area, so we hope you’ll join us.”
Cassidy Mowry: “What will you have for sale? “
Melody Moats: “Our maple bazaar will include sandwiches that you can pick up, we will have barbeque sandwiches with or without coleslaw, chili dogs, and we’ll have a variety of baked goods that the students are bringing to the festival for you to be enticed with. We will also have maple products for sale at our bazaar; including maple syrup and maple candy – all kinds of yummy things.
Alexis Wilfong: “How are the profits from the bazaar used? “
Melody Moats: “The profits from the bazaar will benefit the middle school classes, grades 6, 7, and 8 and as well as our Highland high school/middle school band. All of the profits will be spent on class projects, activities, field trips, and it all goes to support the students”.
The radio club will now begin to meet regularly, to learn more about writing, recording, production and on-air skills. For the Highland Mid Kids, and Allegheny Mountain Radio, this is Scott Smith.