Highland School Board Up Against Deadline to Provide Options through Valley Career and Technical Center with their School Year Starting August 7

With Principal Tim Good on family vacation, Superintendent Dr. Drew Maerz gave all school reports and updates at the July 11 school board meeting. He noted that all ESSER funding guidelines were met and that he had been busy attending a variety development conferences and webinars. Maerz has also been in charge of interviewing candidates for a list of open positions including those of elementary administrator, elementary teacher, middle school English teacher, secondary math teacher, special education teacher for elementary, school counselor, and high school secretary. 


Maerz then introduced the topic of vocational and technical programs, which many parents had been questioning since the exit of the shop teacher. There have been no postings for this position, yet much discussion within school board meetings about the need for vocational and technical programs so students can be prepared for jobs that would then allow them to work and live in Highland. Marez visited Valley Career and Technical Center in Fishersville and was impressed by what he saw. He toured the facility and spoke with the board about the offerings. He assured members of the Highland County School board that Valley Career and Technical Center could provide education for Highland students as early as this fall, but classes start on August 7. Highland County does not begin school until September 3 with teacher work days starting August 19.


Valley Career and Technical Center provides classes and certifications in welding, veterinary sciences, agriculture, carpentry, cosmetology, auto mechanics, and HVAC systems, among many others. Classes are hands-on and available on the Fishersville campus, so transportation was Maerz’s biggest concern. Care would also have to be taken for timing in schedules to allow core class needs to be met in Highland with so much time in the valley. The board charged Dr. Maerz with continuing to gather information to make a decision, no costs were given at this time and the next scheduled school board meeting is not scheduled until August 8, which would be after the start of the school year at Valley Career and Technical Center.


School board member Sherry Sullenberger asked that students who are interested in attending vocational and technical classes contact the school immediately and instructed school board clerk Tabitha Ulmer to announce on social media. 


The personnel report was voted on and unanimously approved citing the resignation or separation of Terry Bradly as head golf coach and Ginger Knight as a cafeteria worker. These positions are listed as open on the website along with a position for a bus driver.  Haleigh Deem was hired as a substitute teacher and Marc Jaccard was hired as a part-time special education assistant. 


Lisa Jamison gave a presentation on the Wellness Plan Triennial Assessment, reviewing the needs, monies, and requirements for USDA funding for the food program. She noted that the school has been operating “in the red” for many years and requested an increase in pricing for students, which was approved by the board. 


There are several policies up for review on the Highland County Public Schools website as the school continues to make changes to provide more cohesive and updated documents. The public is asked to review these and respond back with comments.

Story By


Brit Chambers

Brit Chambers is a resident of Highland County, Virginia and a news reporter for Allegheny Mountain Radio. She loves living in a small town and relishes the outdoor adventures and community feeling that Highland has to offer. Brit has a background in journalism, marketing, and public relations and spends her free time reading good books, baking sourdough bread, and hiking with her family.

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