Highland Sheriff Asks Residents To Sign Up For Code Red Alerts
This is Highland County Sheriff Bob Kelly, with an important message to all Highland residents about informing you of local emergencies.
Highland County is loved by its residents and visitors for its beauty and peaceful lifestyle, but sometimes this peace is disturbed by emergencies such as severe weather, widespread power outages, road closures and criminal activity. A big part of restoring the peace and normalcy is keeping residents informed about what is happening.
For many years, Highland County has used the Code Red system for notification for Highland residents during emergencies. When serious threats to the public safety happen, we can notify citizens by landline phone, cell phone, email, text and social media. Highland county renewed its account with Code Red in April of 2024. As of January 2024, the Highland County Code Red account shows these accounts – we have 35 businesses; we have 653 residents; we have 699 total phone accounts; 537 emails; 170 texts, and 6 TDD.
By reaching out to you today, we hope that you will help us, help yourself, and help your family and your neighbors by either subscribing to Highlands Code Red service or updating your Code Red account information, if you are already a Code Red member. There is no charge to subscribe or update your account. It typically takes only a few minutes to subscribe or make updates.
It is real easy to get signed up. Go to the Highland County Virginia website, www.highlandcova.org, or to the Highland County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page and click on the Code Red logo. You can also visit www.the recorderonline.com, www.alleghenymountainradio.org, or www.highlandlibrary.homestead.com.
There is no deadline to subscribe with Code Red, but the sooner you do, the sooner we can reach you when a crisis happens. We are hoping to increase the number of residential and business subscribers to reflect a greater percentage of the Highland population. Again, through Code Red Highland County can send emergency notifications for such things as severe weather, utility outages, road closures, missing persons, criminal activities and other things. Users can receive notifications via landline, cell phone, text, email and social media. There is no charge to subscribe.
Thank you so much for considering sign signing up for Code Red.