Highland Students Face New Promotion Requirements
Students in Highland County Middle and High School will now face more stringent requirements before they can be promoted to the next level. The Highland County School Board voted to amend the procedures in the student handbook. SOL scores will now weigh in, along with yearly grades, on whether a student passes at the end of the year. The recommended requirement changes were presented to the Board by high school principal April Goff, after consultation with superintendent Dr. Thomas Schott, to adhere to changing state standards. Students who do not pass under the new criteria will have to attend summer remediation courses and re-take the test. The administration will be sending a letter to parents to explain fully explain the details and ramifications of the change.
Dr. Schott reported that budget work is underway, and two meetings are scheduled to present and discuss the proposed funding. The first will be February 16th, where the budget will be presented, followed by public commentary. The second will be February 24th, with public commentary opening the meeting, followed by a work session. Both meetings will be held at 7:00 at the school library. The superintendent also recognized the Board for its service, as, February is School Board Appreciation month.
Ms. Goff reported on the changes and difficulties in scheduling of sporting events, including proposing not participating in Pioneer District tournament events, focusing solely on the conference tournament. Elementary principle Teresa Blum announced the school spelling bee winner was Marshall Cornelius, and runner-up was Morgan Adams. She also announced a “100 Book Challenge”, where students are encouraged and rewarded for reading during independent study time and at home.
In other actions, the Board approved a change to policy on submissions of information to the media, approved and 8th grade field trip, and accepted personnel suggestions from the administration.
Parents should note that due to time missed from inclement weather, February 9th and 16th and March 9th will now be full school days.