Highland Supervisors Receive 44K Grant To Renovate County Buildings
Monterey, VA – The Highland County Board of Supervisors has $44,000.00 in grant money for energy efficiency renovations on county buildings. County Administrator Roberta Lambert describes how that money came to the county.
“The county participated with the Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission in an energy efficiency grant program,” says Lambert. “The Town of Monterey had been awarded $22,000.00 in grant funds, but since they do own any buildings, the county will also receive that money for a total of a total of $50,000.00 in the energy efficiency program. $44,000.00 of that is grant money, with a $6000.00 match from the county.”
Ms. Lambert goes on to describe the county buildings being considered for renovations.
“The planning district had contracted with Spectrum Design to do energy efficiency studies of all the buildings for the localities within the regions,” she says. “You will find their recommendations for the four buildings that the county chose which were the courthouse, the sheriff’s department, the health department, and the central services building. The planning district is requesting that the county let them know as soon as possible how you want to spend that $50,000.”
The funds available should be more than enough to replace the courthouse doors, but will not cover the cost of heating and air conditioning system upgrades. The Supervisors approved a motion to meet next week to decide on how to spend these funds.
In other business, the Supervisors announced their intention to meet in closed session later Tuesday evening to review the current options for relocation of the McDowell trash compactor. During the public comment period, McDowell resident Mike McRae offers a suggestion supported by some other McDowell citizens.
“What I will tell you is, it’s okay from my standpoint, and I think the other three that are sitting here to not make a hasty decision; we’ll bring our trash to Monterey. Until you find a good spot, don’t just make a hasty decision.”
Mike is concerned about locating the trash compactor near residential properties along Route 250. The Supervisors plan to have a public hearing in McDowell, when they have a proposal on a new trash compactor site. Also during the public comment period, Mill Gap resident Luanne Scott addressed concerns about Upper Back Creek Road to the Supervisors and VDOT officials.
“Upper Back Creek road has some token reflectors, which you need a magnifying glass to see them,” says Scott. “The reflectors that were put on the Hightown road are three times the size of the ones on Back Creek. There are logging trucks, delivery trucks for feed for turkey houses, school buses, and I defy you to be able to ride on that road in the fog and know where the road is.”
“It’s only by God’s grace and the people that live in the Millgap community that pray for everyone on that road that there has not been a fatality.”
There is a steep drop-off just off the edge of that road and the road is not well marked so at night or in foggy conditions, it would be easy to drive off the road.
Susan Hammond of VDOT promised to take a look at Upper Back Creek Road to see if there is any way to make it safer.
The next regular meeting of the Highland County Board of Supervisors will be Tuesday, November 8, at 7:30 PM, at the Modular Conference Center in Monterey.’