History Alive Program Seeking West Virginia Statehood Figures
Charleston, WV – If you love history, especially West Virginia state history and would like a chance to act out that knowledge, you may be just what the West Virginia Humanities Council is looking for. The Humanities Council is seeking applications from individuals interested in portraying historical figures as part of the popular History Alive! program.
With 2013 marking the sesquicentennial of the birth of West Virginia, the Council is particularly interested in proposals for portrayals of those who played significant roles in both the statehood movement and the early statehood period – figures like Abraham Lincoln, Archibald Campbell, Francis Pierpont, Arthur Boreman and others.
The application deadline is January 1st, 2012. Successful applicants will receive a small stipend to research and develop the proposed character. Proposals are limited to two potential characters per applicant and must be for a portrayal of an actual person, rather than composite characters, myths or legends. Potential presenters must pass an audition before final selection to the History Alive! roster. Once chosen, presenters will on the roster for two years, beginning November 1st, 2012.
Each year, close to 200 History Alive! presentations are given at schools, libraries, historical societies, and a variety of other public events across the state. In past years, portrayals given in Pocahontas have included General Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson, among others. If you’re interested in being a History Alive! presenter, please contact program officer Mark Payne at 304-346-8500 or payne@wvhumanities.org for more information.