Marlinton council applauds emergency response
Marlinton, W.Va. – During Monday night’s Marlinton council meeting, Mayor Joe Smith praises the efforts of emergency personnel and volunteers during the recent winter storm.
“Last week, the Town of Marlinton and Pocahontas County suffered another emergency, when a superstorm hit our area,” he said. “Although not as severe or as long-lasting as the storm in June of this year, it did create problems with power and phone outages, along with several instances of snow in some parts of the county.
“I would like to take this opportunity to commend the Office of Emergency Services, the Sheriff’s Department, the West Virginia State Police, the fire departments, the Red Cross and the Salvation Army for their quick response and professionalism in which they handled the problems. Also, I would like to thank the many volunteers, who offered their help in any way it was needed, and the Huntersville Baptist Church for the many hot meals they served.”
Smith says advance warning allowed good preparation.
“Communications – maybe, here – because of the advance knowledge,” he said. “I mean, they started announcing this storm almost a week ahead. I think everything went really good, as far as preparation.”
Councilmember Norris Long praises the local radio network.
“I commend Allegheny Mountain Radio for the communications that they were able to provide in the tri-county area during this storm,” he said.
Businessman Rick Malcomb, who operates two businesses in Marlinton, had requested consolidation of his garbage bills. Smith gives his opinion.
“I just told you my opinion – I think once you start giving exceptions to people that has two locations – you’ve opened a can of worms up,” he said.
Council tabled action on Malcomb’s request until he can appear to make his argument.
The mayor informed council of a problem with a cemetery lawnmower.
“The lawnmower that we use up at the cemetery – the one that Kenneth Faulknier drives – the transmission went out of it,” he said. “It is going to cost $2,500 to put it back on the ground.”
The town has owned the John Deere lawnmower for less than four years. Smith said dealership mechanics told him the hilly terrain at the cemetery was to blame for the malfunction.
Council approved an expenditure of $8400 for an identical John Deere lawnmower. The town will receive a $3,000 trade-in allowance for the inoperative lawnmower.
Council went into executive session to discuss applicants for two town job vacancies. After returning to open session, council hired William Phillips in the sanitation department and Carl Phelps in the maintenance department.
In other business, Marlinton council:
– accepted a bid of $2,850 for a 1987 model town dump truck.
– approved a purchase of up to four storm sewer drain filter bags at approximately $50 each.
– reconfirmed that the proper name for a street, commonly known as Jenny Split, is Morgan Street.
– tabled action on town office computer upgrades and,
– tabled action on digitizing town ordinances.