Monterey Town Council Closes Out Fiscal Year
The Monterey Town Council held a brief meeting last Thursday evening for the purpose of closing out the 2014-15 fiscal year, and formally adopting the budget for the upcoming year. It was the first meeting held in the new town offices, located in the Campbell House on West Main Street in Monterey. Council members Cody Cohen and Jack Killgallen had no commentary to add to previous budget discussions, and the action was approved.
The Council also moved to adopt the Economic Development Authority’s strategic plan, which had been presented by EDA members at June’s regular Council meeting.
Mayor Rich Holman reported that he had acquired a new drill bit for installation of trash cans in locations about town, and anticipated them to be in place within a week. Ms. Cohen suggested that any of the current trash cans hung on poles which were usable be repainted for use on the streets which are not large enough for the replacements. She also reported that Betty Mitchell of The Highland Center had approached her regarding the town’s desire to have a Youth Employment Program participant work for the town through the summer. Council felt is was a good idea, and Ms. Cohen agreed to follow up on the possibility.
During Council comments, Mr. Killgallen noted that “concerned citizen who was not a town resident” had enquired about the status of the plans for Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative to expand and upgrade their power equipment west of town. It was reported that the project had been delayed due to submission of the site plan changes to Zoning Administrator Melissa Dowd, but the project was planned to move forward. The individual had also questioned Mr. Killgallen about who would ultimately provide the maintenance on the planned community park located within town limits. The site is on private property, on Route 220, across from the Highland Medical Center, and includes a cemetery for Confederate soldiers. Mayor Holman responded that, at this point, the town has no authority in the matter – it had not been approached regarding the park other than a presentation on plans for it over a year ago. When contacted for clarification, Sarah Collins, Special Projects Coordinator for The Highland Center, who is overseeing development, said long term ownership had not been formalized at this time.
Other comments pertained to the town sidewalk – painting and repair of certain areas and a resolution to the question of snow removal from them in wintertime. Mayor Holman reported he had checked out the sections needing repair, and was considering contractors for the job, and that the snow removal issue would be placed on an upcoming agenda.