Monterey Town Council Discusses New Waste Water Plant
Monterey, VA – At their meeting last Thursday, the Monterey Town Council was sworn in for the 2010-2012 term of office. Bill Ellenberg from the Circuit Court Clerk’s office was there to administer the oath to the Council members in attendance.
Mayor Warner presented an update on the waste water treatment plant. The plant has been in operation since June and is performing up to specifications. The fencing around the plant is due to be installed any day now. The only remaining part of the system that has not been started up yet is the ultraviolet bacterial control system.
The town now has the needed information from the Virginia Dept of Environmental Quality, so it should not take long to get that system up and running. Mayor Warner reports that there was a leak discovered at the Fair Grounds, possibly due to inflow and infiltration problems. She says the leak has been stopped but who will pay for the repairs hasn’t been settled. She says the Town may have to share the costs with the Fair Grounds.
Mayor Warner gave a report on the sewage line survey work being done by the town. Houston Smith and Mike Isles have taken the covers off over 160 manholes around town to look for leaks. That was how a leak was discovered near Councilman Tony Stinnet’s property not far from the mini-storage buildings.
The mayor also gave a report on the special Board of Supervisors meeting she attended earlier in the week on the sidewalk and bike path project.
“It’s been 7 years and they still lack two right of ways” says Warner. “They have given those two people until October 1st to make a decision. Will they give this easement or will they not and they have other alternatives if they don’t. The County stands to lose this money if they don’t do this.”
In other business, the Town Council’s sign ordinance has to be redone. The Council failed to get the Planning Commission’s approval for the changes, so the proposed ordinance will have to go through the planning commission and then the public hearing process.
A town property owner requested that the council consider a lower water rate for situations where a house is only occupied part of the year or periodically through the year. Mr. Fenn proposed they have the water turned off and then restarted, which would involve a $25 fee.
The council approved a motion to get a traffic mirror for the corner of Water Street and Courthouse Lane, which should make it easier for cars to see oncoming traffic at that intersection.