Monterey Town Council’s June 2023 Meeting

The Monterey Town Council held its monthly meeting on June 1.  This story was written from the draft minutes of that meeting, since no one from Allegheny Mountain Radio was in attendance at the meeting.

The Town Council voted to have the town’s website developed by Amy Gaus and the website will be maintained by Town Clerk Teresa Lightner.

There was a report from Jaden Cox on his recent work, which included planting flowers, repairing fire hydrants and purchasing new equipment.  He discussed the town’s procurement policy, asking what amount he could spend before needing to get approval from the Town Council.  Council members voted to change the spending amount without approval from $500 to $1,000 and they will discuss revision of the policy with Town Attorney Melissa Dowd.  The Mayor will be consulted before any purchases are made that would be considered larger than usual.

Jaden Cox also reported that he successfully finished his first semester of school on Wastewater Management.

It was also reported that Mayor Jay Garber and Jaden Cox have been working on developing a Capital Improvement Plan for Monterey.  The total estimate for work and improvements is $22,650.

No bids were received for removal of trees located at the back entrance to the Town Office.  Mayor Jay Garber said he had contacted Justin Will, who previously indicated he could do the work.

And Mayor Garber reported that the town sold two Hi-Lifts for $14,000.  The town only received one bid on them, which it accepted for that amount.

The next meeting of the Monterey Town Council will be held Thursday, July 6, at 7pm at the Town Office.

Story By

Bonnie Ralston

Bonnie Ralston is the Assistant Station Coordinator at WVLS and a Highland County news reporter. She began volunteering at Allegheny Mountain Radio in the fall of 2005. In 2006 she became an AMR employee and worked in Bath County for eight years as the WCHG Station Coordinator and then as the news reporter there. She began working in radio while in college and has stayed connected to radio, in one way or another, for more than thirty years. She grew up in Staunton, Virginia, while spending a lot of time on her family’s farm in Deerfield, Virginia. She enjoys spending time outside, watching old TV shows and movies and tending to her chickens.

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