PCFL requests money for Linwood Library
Marlinton, W.Va. – The Linwood Library, operational for nearly three years, has been declared a success by the Pocahontas County Free Libraries board. During Tuesday’s Pocahontas County Commission meeting, PCFL treasurer Beth Little requests $5,000 to make the Linwood branch a permanent part of the county library system.
“We’re just short a little bit and we thought, instead of coming back to you ever year for a little extra help, what would really take us over the top would be to ask to increase our line item to cover in another library,” she said. To go from $20,000 to $25,000 and then we would be there. And we would make them a permanent part of our library system.”
Commissioner Jamie Walker expresses concern with incoming federal payments in lieu of taxes, or PILT payments, which added $740,000 to county funds last fiscal year.
“Well, my main concern would be the money we’re going to be taking in, come next year,” he said. “To my knowledge, the decision has never been made that we’re going to receive that.”
Commission president David Fleming says the county will receive the PILT money again.
“I’ve come to understand that we have – I can’t remember who told me – but it’s on good word,” he said. “We’ve been renewed for another year of PILT money. So, I think so, and I apologize for not having a formal verification of that.”
The commissioners agreed to defer action on library funding until its November 8 meeting, when more information on the PILT payment might be available.
The commission voted 2-0 to designate the Greenbrier Valley Economic Development Corporation as the county’s lead economic development organization.
Prior to the vote, Fleming praises the work of the GVEDC.
“I feel the Greenbrier Valley Economic Development Corporation is doing a wonderful job for us under the leadership of Steve Weir,” he said. “They discuss a lot of possibilities and everything’s above board. I really like the way they’re doing business.”
The commission agreed to advertise an additional week for members of the Local Emergency Planning Committee. Anyone interested in serving on the committee is urged to send a letter of interest to the county commission clerk. The commission is also seeking a volunteer to serve on the county building commission.
In other business, the commission:
— approved poll workers for the November elections;
— approved a change in use for Artisan’s Co-op funds;
— approved the 2011-2012 financial statement; and,
— approved a resolution necessary to receive a projected annual payment of $576,000 in federal Safe and Secure Rural Schools funds.
For part one of the report on Tuesday’s county commission meeting, see alleghenymountainradio.org.