Pocahontas Commissioners Determine 2016 Allotment for Hotel/Motel Taxes
At their January 19th meeting, the Pocahontas County Commission determined how the proceeds from the2016 Hotel/Motel Tax will be allotted. First the Commissioners heard from various County non-profit organizations seeking to share in the tax proceeds. Next the Commissioners voted on the first of two motions regarding the tax. That first motion was to remain consistent with past allotments where 50% of the tax proceeds go to the Visitors and Convention Bureau while the Hospital; the Firemen’s Association; the Emergency Services Authority and the County Bricks and Mortar fund each receive fixed amounts. Here is Commission President Bill Beard making the motion which keeps these amounts the same as last year’s allotments.
“Well, I’d like to go ahead and make a motion that 50% goes to the Pocahontas Convention and Visitors Bureau, seventy-five thousand goes to Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, seventy- five (thousand) to Pocahontas Emergency Services (Authority) and fifty (thousand) to the Pocahontas County Firemen’s Association and twenty- five thousand to the Pocahontas County Bricks and Mortar Fund” said Beard.
That motion passed unanimously. The Bricks and Mortar fund, by the way, pays for maintenance and repairs to the Courthouse complex. For example, new carpeting in the Courthouse, a new roof and gutters for the jail and painting in the Courthouse were all done through that fund last year.
The second motion, where the Commissioners divvy up the remaining tax proceeds among the 7 non-profit organizations who applied for it, did involve a couple of changes from last year.
The Commissioners awarded 3% of the remaining tax to Preserving Pocahontas; 3% to the Pocahontas County Artisans Co-op; 4% to the Pocahontas County Arts Council; 5% to the Pocahontas County Historical Landmarks Board; 20% to the Pocahontas County Dramas, Fairs and Festivals; 33% to the County Parks and Recreation; and 32% to the County Free Libraries.
The changes, as proposed by Commissioner McLaughlin was to reduce the Dramas, Fairs and Festivals from last year’s 21% to 20 % and to give Parks and Recreation 1% more than it got last year -33% instead last year’s 32%.
In other actions:
The Commissioners authorized Mike O’Brien of Emergency Services to renew their Nixle Emergency Notification Program at a cost of $5150.00 for one year. This is about $320.00 more expensive then it was last year, but O’Brien says the program which includes a Reverse 911 calling system can reach every telephone in the County with information in the event of an emergency.
They approved re-hiring Nancy Jordon as full time Deputy County Clerk at a rate of $2250.00 per month, while maintaining her vacation earnings the same as it was when she left the job. They did this because of the short time she was gone, and her experience and training.
They approved the Greenbrier Valley Economic Development Corporation letter of support for the Claude W. Benedum Foundation’s grant funding request. The Benedum Foundation has served West Virginia and Southwestern Pennsylvania since it was established in 1944. Grants are made to support specific initiatives in the areas of Education, Economic Development, Health and Human Services, Community Development, and Civic Engagement.
They received the monthly update on the County Day Report Center from its Director, Tammie Alderman. Alderman also asked the Commissioners to terminate the employment of one of her Day Report Officers, Kelly Fugate, since he left his keys at the office on January 6th and has not returned to work or explained his absence. The Commissioners voted to terminate Fugate’s employment, and they directed their Counsel to send him a letter demanding the return of a County owned cell phone he still has.
They rejected the two received quotes for purchasing a used vehicle for the Process server due to high mileage on both vehicles quoted, and will advertise for more vehicle sales offers.
Commission Counsel Bob Martin reported that they could not take any action on the proposed Contract to provide law enforcement services to Snowshoe will have to wait until next meeting since Snowshoe Mountain Resort’s lawyers are still examining it.
The meeting ended with approval of invoices.