Pocahontas County Commissioners Hears Donation Requests

Four organizations came before the Pocahontas County Commission at their May 3rd meeting requesting donations. Because the rules established by the Commission that an organization may receive only one Commission donation per fiscal year, only one of the 4 received a donation at this meeting.

Dawn Workman asked for a contribution to purchase several safer football helmets for the Pocahontas County High School Football team, however the Board of Education had already received a donation this fiscal year, so that request had to be put off until the first meeting in August. The Commissioners suggested that Workman form a non-profit sports booster corporation so they can request a donation for football helmets even if another entity of the Board of Education had already received a donation for something else

The Tucker Community Foundation’s request for funding also had to be put off until next fiscal year for the same reason.

The request from Mountain Resource Conservation & Development Area, Inc. for a contribution also was denied because no one from that organization was present as is required.

The one organization who did receive a donation at this meeting was the Child and Youth Advocacy Center, who received $5000 from the Commission.

Mike Cain from Courthouse Maintenance asked for authorization to have the Courthouse fire alarm System repaired. He reported that the Simplex Grinnell Company out of Charleston had completed the required inspection of the fire alarm system and found it needed to be re-programmed. Cain said that Joe Clendenen had offered to re-program the system for less money than Simplex. The Commissioners authorized Cain to hire Joe Clendenen for a cost of up to $2,500 from the Courthouse Maintenance budget.

The Commissioners approved reimbursements/budget adjustments for the Hospital, Jail and Prosecuting Attorney’s Office.

The Commission’s Counsel reported that he is still waiting for a decision from the State Tax Department about Interstate Lumber using County property in exchange for maintaining the property He also reported that the contract with Snowshoe Resort to have County Sheriff’s Deputies provide law enforcement service at the resort should be ready to be presented to the Commissioners at their next meeting.

He also reported that he is working with the 911 Center and various fire departments for the County to have full title and control over the communication towers.

The Commissioners reported on the activities of the County Boards they are each assigned to.

Commission President Beard reported that the Greenbrier Economic Development Authority are hiring a new CEO are hopeful they can solve their past problems. He also reported that the Region 4 Development and Planning held a meeting on April 20th at the New River Gorge. They reported that State and Federal Money is still available but the paperwork has gotten very tight. Beard also said the Senior Citizen Board is operating at State Funding levels of 4 years ago.

Commissioner McLaughlin said the EMS and 911 Board is still arguing over EMS lines and Fire lines, and the Local Emergency Planning Board is looking for ways to contact Senior Citizens during an emergency. McLaughlin also attended a recent Chamber of Commerce meeting where Pocahontas Memorial hospital was selected as “Business of the Year” while Mark Strauss was named “Individual Business Person of the Year.”

Commissioner Jamie Walker reported that he had attended meetings of the County Extension, Health Department, and Day Report Boards. Walker also said that the Convention and Visitors Bureau is cutting back on activities due to the decrease in Hotel/Motel Tax revenues, and that the Farmland Protection has revised their bylaws.

The meeting ended with payment of invoices.

Story By

Tim Walker

Tim is the WVMR News Reporter. Tim is a native of Maryland who started coming to Pocahontas County in the 1970’s as a caver. He bought land on Droop Mountain off Jacox Road in 1976 and built a small house there in the early 80’s. While still working in Maryland, Tim spent much time at his place which is located on the Friars Hole Cave Preserve. Retiring in 2011 as a Lieutenant with the Anne Arundel County Police Department in Maryland, Tim finally took the plunge and moved from Maryland to his real home on Droop Mountain. He began working as the Pocahontas County Reporter for Allegheny Mountain Radio in January of 2015.

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