Pocahontas PSD Puzzles Over How To Spend Rest of Water Project Money
Durbin, WV – Matt Hayes, a representative for Thrasher Engineering, says they’ve completed the Durbin water project, repairing or upgrading 11 more water services than were actually called for in the original project. Even better, there is money left over that can be used to pay for some other much needed items. One of those is painting the water tank, a job estimated at an earlier PSD meeting to cost around $40,000.00. PSD Water plant manager Ricky Barkley explains what’s involved in prepping the tank for paint.
“The tanks got to be blasted, sand blasted” says Barkley. “I’m not for sure whether this tank has got a lead based paint on it or not. If it’s not lead-based, it’s a lot easier; if we sandblast it with the lead in it, we’ve got to contain it. The insides’s not so bad; they can paint while they’re sandblasting it.”
But it’s not the work that PSD board member Amon Tracey objects to; it’s the estimated cost of $56,829.68.00 dollars. Hayes points out that the cost includes the mark up for contractor JF Allen to do the work. The PSD board is also considering other items such as a backup generator for the water plant, new meters and a security fence around the plant, a homeland security requirement. The board took no action on these ideas, asking Hayes to get more detailed information on costs to present at the next meeting.
In other business, the board also heard from several Snowshoe area homeowners. Most spoke in favor of allowing the board and WWMI President David Rigby to have the time to finish a preliminary engineering report to address sewer needs in the area. Opponents of the Rigby plan would prefer that the West Virginia Public Service Commission immediately appoint a Receiver over the PSD to oversee the construction of a centralized sewer processing facility. Rigby’s preliminary engineering report is due to be submitted for approval to the PSC and the West Virginia Dept of Environmental Protection later this fall.
The PSD board approved sending a letter of engagement to CPA Michael Griffith to prepare the annual reports and budgets for the PSD’s water and sewer accounts. The cost for this service is not to exceed $15,000.00.
The board also asked attorney Chris Negley to do further research into the legal ramifications of cutting off service to water customers at Silvercreek Lodge, or other privately owned properties on the mountain. Because of the unique way in which pipes are installed, they may not be able to cut the supply without doing damage to the facility. At least one HOA president says they are already addressing those issues through other legal means.