Resident Attraction Campaign Launched in Highland County, Virginia

A resident attraction campaign has been launched in Highland County, Virginia with an aim to attract young families to the community with the long-term goal of relocating them as full-time residents.


The campaign, funded by the Department of Housing and Community Development’s Rural Community Development Initiative program, began on May 1, 2024.  It consists of several components for an initial 3-month period, including a brand-new landing page at to highlight the county’s assets, strategic Google and Meta ads to direct people to that website, and connections with local ambassadors when visitors reach out with interest or questions.  Ads will mainly target 18-45 year-olds with interests such as agriculture, parenting, outdoor recreation, travel, trades, remote work-friendly sectors, and those looking to relocate.


Another crucial part of the campaign is a Weekend Getaway Contest that invites visitors who do not live or own land in Highland County to enter for a weekend full of experiences on August 16 – 18, 2024.  The Highland County Chamber of Commerce extended invitations to Members to be a part of the giveaway sweepstakes in April.  Respondents contributing to the contest components include a two-night stay at The Hogshead Cabin, two tickets to the annual Taste of Highland at The Highland Center, a guided tour of Elegius Mini Equine Sanctuary, and meals and treats from small businesses and organizations like Eagle’s Sugar Camp, High’s Restaurant, the Highland Homemakers Club, Highland Chamber, Mill Gap Farms, and Susanna’s Confections.  The contest ends on June 30, 2024.


The campaign is a project of Highland Community Development Initiative (HCDI) core partners, comprised of the Highland County Chamber of Commerce, Highland EDA, Highland Tourism Council, and The Highland Center.  Extensive research and planning went into the development of the campaign over many months.  Partners utilized the services of Letterpress Communications based out of Farmville, Virginia due to their history with successful similar campaigns in other localities.


“We are very excited about this strategic initiative to plant seeds for growth in Highland County in the coming years,” says Chamber Executive Director Chris Swecker.  “Attracting young families is key to a variety of issues the county faces, and we feel these efforts will authentically showcase why people want to live, work, and play in our unique, rural community.”


The 3-month campaign is a template that will be taken advantage of for many years, with the evergreen landing page, as well as the chance to duplicate the getaway contest with other local businesses and attractions in the future.  Data collected from the campaign will help shape subsequent ad targeting.


Visit the brand new website page at to learn more about living in Highland County, Virginia and for a link to enter the Weekend Getaway Contest.

Story By


Brit Chambers

Brit Chambers is a resident of Highland County, Virginia and a news reporter for Allegheny Mountain Radio. She loves living in a small town and relishes the outdoor adventures and community feeling that Highland has to offer. Brit has a background in journalism, marketing, and public relations and spends her free time reading good books, baking sourdough bread, and hiking with her family.

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