#31 – Bacon Cheeseburger Balls

#31 – Bacon Cheeseburger Balls

Today’s recipe is simply a deconstructed, meatball version of a bacon cheeseburger. Mixing pork and beef is a great way to increase the flavor potential of any recipe! For this recipe, I would recommend a leaner ground beef, 80/20 or leaner, since the bacon will bring in extra fat. 



Makes 12 – 15 Large Meatballs, Serves 4


About 2 lbs of hamburger

2 eggs

6 strips of thick bacon, chopped

½ cup finely chopped onions

1 cup shredded cheese of choice

Dill Pickle chips (optional)

Salt and pepper, seasonings of preference to taste


  1. Place hamburger, egg, and salt and pepper into a large bowl and allow to sit at room temperature while following step #2.
  2. Slice or chop bacon into small bits. In a hot skillet, cook the bacon until somewhat crisp. Drain on paper towels and allow to cool.
  3. Once the bacon is cool, mix it into the Hamburger. Add any additional seasonings and the chopped onions. Combine well.
  4. Preheat Oven to 350 degrees. Form the meat mixture into raquet-ball sized meatballs. Brown in a hot skillet – The key here is to be patient before turning over the meatballs. Take your time – if you are afraid of burning, turn heat down to medium.
  5. Transfer meatballs to the oven, either in a caserole dish, or if you’ve been using cast-iron, just throw the whole deal in. Bake for 10 – 15 minutes.
  6. Sprinkle a hefty layer of shredded cheese on top and return to the oven to melt. Broil for 1-2 minutes for a little browning – but KEEP YOUR EYES ON IT. Enjoy with pickle chips, ketchup, mustard or any other burger condiment.


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