#7 – The 6 Paired Movements of the Neck

#7 – The 6 Paired Movements of the Neck

A Continuation of the last episode, when we experienced these movements in the cervical spine.

  1. Nod the head up (inhale) and down (exhale).
  2. Shake the head side to side, chin going over each shoulder; inhaling at center, exhaling to side.
  3. Tilt head side to side, bringing ear towards shoulder; inhaling at center, exhaling to side.

This time we will also engage the thoracic and lumbar sections of the spines. Practice each for several breath cycles.

  1. Face lifts towards the sky as you arch your back, inhaling deeply. Exhale and hang forward (nose to navel), collapsing the breathing space and rounding the back.
  2. Inhale at center, then twist and exhale to one side at a time. Spiral through the spine from the bottom up to twist, and from the top down to come back to center.
  3. Facing forward, inhale at center, and bend over (exhale) to one side at a time. Support yourself with your hands on the chair. For an extra stretch, reach overhead with the top arm.


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