Statewide Primary Results

Having previously reported the results of the strictly local Pocahontas County 2024 Primary election, we will now broaden to add the results statewide for national and state offices. These results are courtesy of WV Metro News. Where appropriate we will let you know if Pocahontas County voters agreed with or disagreed with the state vote.


Democrat – Biden 71% statewide; others 29%

Republican – Trump 85% statewide; Haley 9%; others 3%

U.S. Senate:

Republican – 1. Jim Justice (134,552 votes or 61%:) 2. Alex Mooney (58,957 votes or 27%): Others 12%. (Pocahontas County voters also supported Jim Justice.)

Democrat –1.  Glen Elliott (45,975 votes or 45%:) 2. Zachary Shrewsbury (36,535 votes or 36%: 3. Don Blankenship (18,628 votes or 18%:) Pocahontas County voters supported the 2nd place state candidate Shrewsbury.

US House of Representatives 1th District:

Democrat – 1. Chris Bob Reed (27,309 votes or 56%:) 2. Jim Umberger (21,116 votes or 44%:) Pocahontas County voters supported the 2nd place state finisher Umberger.

Republican – 1. Carol Miller (65,007 votes, or 63%:) 2. Derrick Evans (38,246 votes or 37%:) Pocahontas County voters supported Evans, the 2nd place state  finisher by three votes.

WV Governor:

Republican- 1. Patrick Morrisey (74,774 votes or 33%:) 2. Moore Capito (61,920 votes or 28%:) 3. Chris Miller (45,791 votes or 20%:) 4. Mac Warner (36,032 or 16%: OTHERS 3%. Pocahontas County voters also supported Morrisey, the #1 place finisher in the state.

Democrat- Steve Williams ran unopposed

Mountain Party – Chase Linko Cooper ran unopposed

WV Attorney General:

Democrat- 1. Teresa Toriseva (50,167 votes or 53%: 2. Richie Robb (44,906 votes or 47%.) Pocahontas County voters supported Robb, the #2 place finisher in the state.

Republican- 1. John “JB” McCuskey (116,723 votes or 60%:) 2. Mike Steuart (78,293 votes or 40%:) Pocahontas County voters also supported McCuskey, the #1 place finisher in the state.

WV Secretary of State:

Republican- 1. Kris Warner (92,504 or 46%:) 2. Doug Skaff Jr. (42,281 votes or 21%:) 3. Ken Reed (32,891 votes of 17%:) 4. Brian Wood (32,892 or 16%.) Pocahontas County voters also supported Warner, the #1 place finisher in the state.

Democrat- Thornton Cooper ran unopposed.

State Senate 11th District:

Democrat- Mandy Smith ran unopposed

Republican- 1. Robbie Morris (9,166 votes or 66%:) 2. Robert Lee Karnes (incumbent) (4,746 votes or 24%.) Pocahontas County voters also supported Morris, the #1 place finisher in the state.

WV House of Delegates 46th Delegate District: (Southern part of Pocahontas County.)

Republican- 1. Jeff Campbell (1,424 or 53%:) 2. Trey Ewing (818 votes or 30%:) Thomas Perkins (451 votes or 17%.) Pocahontas County voters also supported Campbell, the #1 place finisher in the state.

Democrat- Paul S. Detch ran unopposed.

WV House of Delegates 66th Delegate District: (Northern part of the county.)

Democrat- Dama M. Nestor ran unopposed

Republican- Jonathan B. Kyle ran unopposed

WV State Auditor:

Republican 1. Mark Hunt (74,912 or 39%:) 2. Eric Householder (48,632 or 25%:) 3. Tricia Jackson (37,039 or 19%:) 4. Caleb Hanna (30,217 or 16%:) Pocahontas County voters supported Hunt, the #1 place finisher in the state.

Democrat- Mary Ann Roebuck Claytor ran unopposed.

WV Treasurer:

Democrat- no candidate filed

Republican- Larry Peck ran unopposed.

WV Commissioner of Agriculture:

Republican- 1. Kent Leonhardt (97,536 or 51%:) 2. Joshua Higginbottom (57,644 or 30%:) 3. Roy Ramey (36,461 or 19%.) Pocahontas County voters also supported Leonhardt, the #1 place finisher in the state.

Justice of the WV Supreme court of Appeals Division 1

Haley Bunn (incumbent) ran unopposed.

Justice of the WV Supreme court of Appeals Division 2

Charles S. Trump IV ran unopposed.

Intermediate Court of Appeals

1 S. Ryan White (158,970 votes or 59%:) 2. Elgine Mcardle (58,517 votes or 22%:)

  1. Mychal Schulz (51,998 votes or 19%.) Pocahontas County voters also supported White the #1 place finisher in the state.

Story By

Tim Walker

Tim is the WVMR News Reporter. Tim is a native of Maryland who started coming to Pocahontas County in the 1970’s as a caver. He bought land on Droop Mountain off Jacox Road in 1976 and built a small house there in the early 80’s. While still working in Maryland, Tim spent much time at his place which is located on the Friars Hole Cave Preserve. Retiring in 2011 as a Lieutenant with the Anne Arundel County Police Department in Maryland, Tim finally took the plunge and moved from Maryland to his real home on Droop Mountain. He began working as the Pocahontas County Reporter for Allegheny Mountain Radio in January of 2015.

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