The 3rd Space on Main St. in Monterey to Host Two-day Stained Glass Workshop as Part of Robust Summer Workshop Series

The 3rd Space, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing art education and support to the community, is in the midst of their summer workshop series, offering a wide array of classes in visual arts.


A beginners’ stained glass class will meet 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. July 26 and 27 with local instructor Erica Stephenson. This basic to intermediate level workshop uses the copper foil method of stained glass construction. Students will select a pattern, cut, grind and shape glass pieces, apply copper foil, solder, and finish one or more projects. Participants will be provided with the tools to discover their interest in this skill. Patterns and a variety of colored glass will be  provided for projects.  Participants should wear close-toed shoes, not sandals, to keep their feet safe from glass shards. Pack a lunch, since Erica’s beautiful farm is just south of town, so restaurants won’t be an option.   ​


“Well, I was lucky enough to grow up with stained glass. My mom was a stained glass artist.She kind of inadvertently taught me through observation. And then when I grew up and wanted to try a piece of my own, I knew the steps, I guess just through osmosis. And then I begin to practice over time and work with her and under her. She was the best, the absolute best. So she taught me really good technique, and I’ve always loved it since my teenage years. I’ve practiced and have my own studio here now, where the class will be held.”


Her artistic mother co-owned and ran The Personal Touch in Monterey where she developed quite the fan base and following. You can still find her lovely little pieces of art hanging in the windows of many homes or  adorning a side table. In 2000, Erica became her apprentice and began  to put into practice the steps she already knew by heart. Erica quickly  developed a love for the craft and its endless creative possibilities. 


Cost for the two-day class is $150 and tickets are available at The summer workshop series will continue with both broom making and basketry classes in August.


Story By


Brit Chambers

Brit Chambers is a resident of Highland County, Virginia and a news reporter for Allegheny Mountain Radio. She loves living in a small town and relishes the outdoor adventures and community feeling that Highland has to offer. Brit has a background in journalism, marketing, and public relations and spends her free time reading good books, baking sourdough bread, and hiking with her family.

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