Watoga State Park Activities Announced
Watoga State Park is located in the mountains of Pocahontas County just 14 miles south of Marlinton, West Virginia. The park offers 10,100 acres for hiking, swimming, fishing and boating.
The park will also be hosting a number of educational and recreational activities throughout the summer. The first of these will be a free fly tying and fishing workshop on Saturday, May 30th, from 8:00 to 12:00. The workshop is hosted by the Creekside Anglers Club, and will cover the basic elements of fly fishing, types of flies and what they represent, proper tackle, equipment, and knots, and fly tying and casting techniques.
June 26 -27, the park will be offering a Bug Talk and Walk with entomologist, Dr. Daniel Frank, from West Virginia University. On Friday, June 26 at 7pm Dr. Frank will talk about the Good and Bad Bugs of the pollinator community; on Saturday at 4pm Dr. Frank will lead a Meadow Watch Walk to see pollinators in action.
On July 3 at 8:00 pm, the park will have a special guest. Sacagawea, Lewis and Clark’s guide, will stop by to share some of her experiences. Other upcoming activities who’s dates have not been set include Snakes, Snakes, and More Snakes – with WV DNR Wildlife Biologist, Jim Fregonara and a Geology Talk and Walk with WV GES Geologist, Ken Ashton.
Watoga State Park offers a wide variety of free activities every week throughout the summer months, including Plaster Casts, Fern Hikes, Orienteering, Story Hour, All About Beavers, Beginning Birding, How to Keep a Nature Journal, Praying Mantis Talk, Sun Dials, crafts and more. Watoga also offers the YPP program for children aged 6 – 16. The children will receive a certificate and patch for completion of program. All activities are free of charge.
To keep track of all the upcoming activities at the park, visit their website at http://www.watoga.com.