What’s On Your Ballot?
Here are the choices local voters will face on their ballots on Tuesday, November 8th. All listings are done in alphabetical order.
For president of the United States, all ballots will include:
- Hillary Clinton, Democrat
- Gary Johnson, Libertarian
- Donald Trump, Republican
- Jill Stein, Green or Mountain Party
In Pocahontas County, voters will also see Darrell Castle, Constitution Party; in Bath and Highland, voters will see Evan McMullin, Independent.
For U.S. House of Representatives, 3rd District, Pocahontas ballots include:
- Matt Detch, Democrat
- Evan Jenkins, Republican
- Zane Lawhorn, Libertarian
In Bath and Highland counties, for U.S. House of Representatives, 6th District, candidates are:
- Kai Degner, Democrat
- Bob Goodlatte, Republican
Virginia voters will also decide on two constitutional amendments – the full text of these can be seen with these stories on our website. Voters residing in the town of Monterey will also see a choice for Denise Simmons, Independent, for special election for Town Council.
Proposed Constitutional Amendment 1: Should Article I of the Constitution of Virginia be amended to prohibit any agreement or combination between an employer and a labor union or labor organization whereby (i) nonmembers of the union or organization are denied the right to work for the employer, (ii) membership to the union or organization is made a condition of employment or continuation of employment by such employer, or (iii) the union or organization acquires an employment monopoly in any such enterprise?
Proposed Constitutional Amendment 2: Shall the Constitution of Virginia be amended to allow the General Assembly to provide an option to the localities to exempt from taxation the real property of the surviving spouse of any law-enforcement officer, firefighter, search and rescue personnel, or emergency medical services personnel who was killed in the line of duty, where the surviving spouse occupies the real property as his or her principal place of residence and has not remarried?
These are the statewide election candidates for Pocahontas.
For Governor:
- Bill Cole, Republican
- Phil Hudok, Constitutional
- Jim Justice, Democrat
- David Moran, Libertarian
- Charlotte Pritt, Mountain
For Secretary of State:
- John Buckley, Libertarian;
- Natalie Tenant, Democrat;
- Mac Warner, Republican
For Auditor:
- Mary Ann Claytor, Democrat
- John McCuskey, Republican
- Brenton Ricketts, Libertarian
For Treasurer:
- John Perdue, Democrat
- Ann Urling, Republican
- Michael Young, Libertarian
For Commissioner of Agriculture:
- Buddy Guthrie, Libertarian
- Walt Helmick, Democrat
- Kent Leonhardt, Republican
And for Attorney General:
- Karl Kolenich, Libertarian
- Patrick Morrisey, Republican
- Doug Reynolds, Democrat
- Michael Sharley, Mountain
For state representation, 11th Senatorial District candidates are:
- Greg Boso, Republican
- Denise Campbell, Democrat
- Bruce Breuninger, Mountain
For 43rd District House of Representatives, the ballot includes:
- Alan Balogh, Mountain
- Bill Hartman, Democrat
- Phil Isner, Democrat
- Phillips Kolsun, Republican
- Clayton Moore, Republican
In local elections for Pocahontas County:
For Circuit Clerk, Connie Carr, Democrat, runs unopposed.
For County Commissioner, candidates are:
- Jesse Groseclose, Democrat
- John Leyzorek, Constitution
- Jamie Walker, Republican
For County Clerk, Melissa Bennet, Democrat runs unopposed, and for Prosecuting Attorney, Eugene Simmons, Democrat runs unopposed.
For Sheriff, the candidates are:
- Jeff Barlow, Republican
- Troy McCoy, Democrat
Democrat Tom Lane runs unopposed for Assessor and Democrat Brian Beverage runs unopposed for Surveyor.
Pocahontas voters will also see two ballot initiatives to vote on – the Brunch Bill option, and the Board of Education School Excess Levy.