
One Piano Plus One Fiddle Equals Eclectic Music Better Known As Pianafiddle

By Heather Niday / August 31, 2007

You take a little bluegrass, mix in some jazz, classical and county and you get the always interesting music of this unusual group

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Water Leaks in Durbin, Frank and Bartow

By Heather Niday / August 30, 2007

PSD may have to tear up the road to fix the leaks

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Jams, Pickles and Plants – the Highland Co Fair Brings Out the Best

By Heather Niday / August 30, 2007

Being a judge for food entries at the Highland Co Fair will make you very hungry!

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Prelude to THE FAIR

By Heather Niday / August 29, 2007

The fair is broken into 15 different departments of exhibits, shows and contests. It takes an army of volunteers to coordinate and conduct the fair. It’s been done for 56 years.

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Greenbank Elementary/Middle School is Overcrowded

By Heather Niday / August 29, 2007

Greenbank Principal Ruth Bland asks the Pocahontas County Board of Education for another half time teacher

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Bath County High School Construction

By Heather Niday / August 29, 2007

Construction at high school is no obstacle for bath county students,


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Ballet scholarships are being offered by the Highland Center

By Heather Niday / August 29, 2007

Discover your inner Ballerina at the Highland Ballet Academy

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James Horn at the Opera House – Jamestown, The Foundation for Democracy

By Heather Niday / August 29, 2007

Pocahontas County Opera House-Dr. James Horn is passionate about Jamestown

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By Heather Niday / August 29, 2007

There’s more than meets the eye when dealing with these clever predators.

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Pocahontas Development Authority Moves one Step Closer to Dissolution

By Heather Niday / August 29, 2007

The Pocahontas PDA votes to give their assets to the county commission by

the end of September

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